Let's Talk Clarity

Secrets to Building a Successful Coaching Business - Aditi Ayush

August 20, 2024 Rakesh Mathuria Season 1 Episode 69

The Shocking Journey from 0 to 5 Crore Revenue in 2+ years in coaching business by 25-year-old coaches Aditi & Ayush. 

How do you build a Coaching Business from scratch? How do you get high-ticket clients in your Coaching Business? How do you get clients in your coaching business without having many followers on social media? How to kickstart your coaching business? How do you get mentors in your coaching business? How do we build that entrepreneurial mindset? How do you build a coaching business through organic marketing?

Every question is answered in this power-packed podcast episode with Aditi & Ayush. 

In this episode of Let's Talk Clarity, we delve into the incredible journey of Aditi and Ayush, two young and dynamic business coaches who transformed their careers and lives by generating over 5 crore revenue from their coaching business. 

Aditi and Ayush share their motivational story, highlighting their relentless pursuit of success and the importance of being resourceful. From juggling between multiple ventures to finally finding their passion in coaching, they explain how understanding your biggest obstacles and choosing the right mentor can lead to life-changing growth. 

Their journey is a testament to the power of persistence, clarity, and the right mindset. Whether you are starting your own business or looking to scale new heights in your career, their insights and experiences are invaluable. 

Don’t miss out on this inspiring episode filled with practical takeaways that can propel your career and life towards fulfilment and success.

Contact them on social media for any guidance on coaching business & organic marketing at 

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/aditijain.co
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/AditiTheBusinessCoach
Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/aditithebusinesscoach

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I need any help, I'll ask him. I'll he'll help me out. If he needs any help, he'll ask him, me and he he'll help me out. We don't, like, interfere in each other departments. If we have any problem or conflicts, we either renew with them if we think they can help us or we find a new mentor. You're never putting money in your mentor. You're putting money in your yourself. So if I work with you, I'm not putting my bets on you. I'm putting my bets on your myself. Then I'm trusting me, and I know you can just guide me through it. You cannot make it for me. Seeing your clients have achieved the goal or even you have achieved the goal. And I'm investing in you. That means I am believing in myself now. If he can do it or if his client can do it, I can do it. Being a part of mentorship program is they don't show up enough for themselves also. If I'm a student in your program, I will ask you so many questions and I'll be the person who have ever asked you the most questions. That's why this program we generally become their biggest case study. Make sure you're choosing the mentor by understanding what is your biggest obstacle right now. What is your bottleneck that you want. So, basically, best thing is what's your goal that you're looking to achieve or stop career. I've seen people lose their beliefs and not even even in your said, you have to also believe in the system. It's not a get rich quick scheme. It is going to take effort. Like this. Yeah. Job business idea just start Let's Talk Clarity podcast special guest guest. Art business start. Yes, they learn from it. And today, they are well renowned coaches. Yes, business coaches for coaches in India. And revenue generated number. They have generated more than five crore in revenue in coaching business. Business zero five crore journey and these learnings are very important for any coaches who want to start their own business and take it to the next level. So Let's welcome Aditi and Arish. Thank you. Thank you for having us. So thank you for sparing your time or our busy schedule say aye and, our long coaching business. Why? So, Aditi, do you want to take this? Individually reasons to eventually get into business. Independent like it has been installed in my mind. Generally, women are people who are not, like, you know, working. Background women are not working. They are only like and they're not even told, they're not even pushed towards working. Graduation important So where, married mom I never become a housewife because of the challenges that she faced. So I also never wanted to which I'm very grateful for. You have to study hard. You have to work hard. But you have to make money. You know? So you have to make your own money. You have to become independent. Your mindset I was seeing around me. And then, that she's a gynecologist, and she's working well. She's earning well. So inspiration my daughter should also be independent. They should be able to make their own decisions. Right? When we got that mindset, me and my sister, we have to be independent. So we worked really, really hard in our study. Like, I was always top of my class. Top ten, top five. College twelfth, I can say. College subject interest twelfth, I was, like, always top of my class. You are at the top and then you chose a career. You have a career path. Interest number nine point eight podcast choose unless we try it out. So the best thing is to try it out. Job opportunity job business opportunities business opportunity we have to make money. We are not from a very, like, rich background. Right? We're from a very humble family. So we have not seen a lot of money. Weekends, you know, like they used to go to expensive restaurants and cafes, and we were not able to afford that. Instead of spending money here, let's think about how can we make money. Make money. Build money. Yes. There's opportunities. The second business we started off, that was like an event management company. Okay. Dates planning, proposal planning, marriage plan anniversary planning. That was your second business. That was our second business. Then next next business, I think it was, a job team. We I was like martial arts. I used to learn martial arts. Martial arts. Or Aditi was good in, dancing in English. Actually, PG parents shift. Okay. Outside parents project fixed amount of income this is the income you have to adjust. Obviously, I can't I was not able to adjust in that. What should I do to, you know, make more money? Summer, summer camp, summer holidays, obviously, you know, like, was popular. So whenever PG poster or number drawing, coach them. So are you showing up drawing? Yes or no. Drawing? I'm like, Uh-huh. I was like, This is my drawing. Okay. No drawing. The main thing was hunger. We just wanted the money. Money. Yeah. Or we were like, let's do anything to get that. To build some money. Yeah. Yeah. So now our main goal was to make money. For you, it can be anything. It can be like, impacting lives. It can be making ten thousand dollars per month or growing your coaching business. Whatever. So this decision is you have to be like, is goal pass any fortune? Opportunity Yeah. Opportunity will I move forward towards my goal or not? Decision. Yes. Always take the decision. You have to think like that only. You'll always move forward in your journey. Decision art business start. Art business. Yeah. Art business art. Mhmm. Say art business and art business why you are keep on starting new business and shutting them down? Number two, And what are your top learning in those eight businesses? Why we used to keep starting the business and shutting down? Obstacles. Obstacles. Okay. Whatever business we used to start, this is a very important thing you guys should learn. Mhmm. That was the reason we were shutting all the business down. Mhmm. Business opportunity. Shiny object. Shiny object. Okay. Shifting, shining. Yeah. Yeah. Not anything else. Right. Become the, business sustain vision two comma club award two CCX two triple c like hundred million dollars. Like, that is vision. And every business we used to start, we were like, used to quit. That was some the super learning. That is the biggest thing I learned. Business but our goal was completely different this time. This business self help books help. I would, credit a lot of things to Think and Grow Rich. Example you are just three feet away from gold. Person a and person b. Both the people are for the gold. They are looking for the gold. Mhmm. Person b just goes away. Ninety days, hundred days person. He goes away. And person is like, no. I'll continue. I'll keep moving forward. Over three feet away from the gold and he found the gold. So that is like the story. We should, like, what's the point, all of this. We just feel like whenever we are not having good months in business, we're just like three feet away from the world. Three feet away. Wow. That's a super learning set specific goals. Specific goals. Okay. Important. So if we're think and grow rich time, Two comma club award showed up. You know, who's a holistic health coach. I would never forget that. Create her content. So she had to tell Aditi Okay. Okay. So she can come up with content ideas and side Okay. So Aditi used to learn. Okay. So from there, we were, like, first coaching. Okay. So we were everyday

working 10:

12 hours a day. Mhmm. There was some things that were stopping, like, missing missing points. But we didn't want it to quit because it's Brahma Gold. Actually, halfway, If you can share, what is two comma award for the audience? Yeah. Well, click funnels award. Click funnels. Okay. It you get that award only when you make one million dollars using one funnel. One million dollars. Okay. Coach passing Okay. He was like, that was the game changer. Yeah. The entire game changer for us. He was like a god, like, who was making that much money. Which is which is the easiest part in your business, then you cannot do anything in your business. Money is the easiest part. If you cannot make that happen, then you cannot do anything. Or for us, Oh, you are not how will you think? Right? Mhmm. Situation. If you want to build a business and you cannot make make an investment of this much or let's say, you know, option to help us out to make like three thousand or four thousand first investment. Okay. If you know cannot even in, arrange this to make an investment in your business, how do you think you will plan to overcome the obstacles that will come along which are way bigger than and way harder than arranging the investment? So that changed our life. Like, so we asked him we want to really do it. It. How can we because our parents do not have any money. You asked him. Mhmm. Yes. Yeah. How can we do it? Our parents do not have money. Then you cannot do anything. Or being resourceful is the most important course creator. Click click audience followers. Mhmm. You have to be resourced to look around course. So that was really, like, catchy. Yeah. Yeah. My coaching journey ninety seven India. Okay. We are like started selling. Asked for extra time, and they knew that situation of ours. So they gave us some time, and they were very supportive. Very supportive. Yeah. Okay. So we did that. We took the client close client. No. It's a high ticket for us. We closed our first client. Mhmm. Excitement you are at zero and you are thinking about hundred number. Mhmm. Up to ninety nine before with hundred exciting. Okay. Okay. Okay. So we were at that particular point. Ninety nine exciting. So this is like two two comma I agree this is a mistake that we did. Milestones like making your first ten How did it make you feel? Mhmm. Feeling acknowledged. Okay. Yeah. But but you were there. Yeah. Since you are always there, you are always talking to each other, you are And then And then two thousand one thousand, you closed it after that journey. Yeah. Two thousand dollars. January. Payment January payment. So we completed that. You completed twelve thousand. Payment three months, three and a half months, ten thousand dollars closed. March twenty twenty two was like first ten thousand dollars a month. A month? Yeah. Oh my goodness. And then you started making money after, recovering that twelve thousand. Yes. Right. We started making money. But we have a habit of, like, we invest a lot. Yes. They say we make money. We have, like, this habit of, like, let's do something big now. Right. Mhmm. So we invest a lot. We keep investing. We have, like, now, after that investing mindset, after that person gave us all that thing things and now how we think. Decision. We think about the goal or fit decision. We have invested more than hundred thousand dollars. Hundred thousand dollars for your learning? Yes. For our learnings. So we Yes. Okay. Just to learn how to reach to our goals To our goals. Hundred thousand or kid lakh lakhs lakhs. Eighty five lakhs. Five, eighty six lakhs. Around one CR means close to one CR you have spent in last two years. Yes. But you have earned also. Yes. Yeah. That's right. So, you you're not getting any more. Let's talk about this. And they are just twenty five age. So, this is a deep question. When I started my coaching business, I was thirty eight, thirty nine age. And you are just twenty five, both of you. And, you are a coach. You are teaching people how to do business. You are a business coach. And most of the students are means double of your age mostly. Means in the range of from thirty five to fifty five whatever and you are serving into the whole world. So this gap means you manage and, you are also new means in this business and still you have that confidence to teach them. I think people trust us more because we are young, maybe. Because they're like, they need to know new things, or they know new stuff, or they're new. Newness. Yeah. Newness. And they connect with us more because, like, one of the biggest things feedback this is why I connected with you. Ayush, this is why because we are, like, like, always being very transparent Transparent. Or very authentic. I mean, we can get an office, we can get it built, studio We can do all of that, but ninety percent of the time, we have the events, webinars, challenges. We don't do webinars. We do challenges. Five day challenges. Master classes. So people, I have gotten that feedback. They may if you're authentically or simplicity, you are able to do it. Authenticity or simplicity a lot of people think studio lighting camera set We start giving value. That's it. So that's the biggest thing. We start giving value. That's it. So that's the biggest thing. We relate. Clients are authentic who want to like there are a lot of people they will not come on without makeup especially women because I don't put makeup. I'll put lip balm or lipstick or stuff like I don't put on makeup or when I'm like doing these master classes or events you know. So then women come to me and they tell me that I also want to do it like that. You know I'm not like you know wearing like expensive dresses or luxury perfumes or luxury purses or stuff like that. Like, I don't like it. I don't like personally. I'm not saying it's not good. But the point is that if you have to be online, you can be online which is not true. You have to be very presentable. You have to be like you can be yourself and you can still build your business. You can buy expensive dresses, they were selling to other people. So if you stand out. If you're a difference in the market me. Mhmm. No. They're like just sharing lavish stuff. So that was the biggest connection that I felt that my audience would say here, and people talk to me about it. Authenticity. Yeah. Okay. Okay. How can how do we coach people who are like we have coached people who are like sixty, seventy, eighty. Yeah. Yeah. So I always think when I'm coaching these people because people ask me mindset questions a lot. Mhmm. So I'm like, I ask this question to myself whenever I'm talking to them, like, what would whoever I respect, whoever is my coach, what would this person answer to this person? Okay. Okay. Yes. Yes. I think like that because I listen to those people. Like, let's say right now, Alex Harmozi. Mhmm. So how would Alex Harmozi deal with this situation? Mhmm. And, that's how I do it. Like, if anyone ask any hard question, once I was talking to a person and literally ask me very, very, very difficult questions. Mhmm. Not related to business because I knew business. Mindset. Mindset. To your clients, you cannot be like, yeah. I don't know anything. Mhmm. And I used to learn mindset by going in all those coaching classes and all those things. Okay. They were like, how would Alman deal with this thing? How would Alex Hamozi deal with this thing? So that's how I kept thinking and answering those questions also, which were not related to my business, and how do I talk normally. So that's how we kept the connection, and that's how we kept on answering in a very, like, quality way compared to giving random or basic answers. Great. How you divide the work means or you reshuffle them or means So we have, like, a sales team. Okay. We don't divide or reshuffle. We have a sales team. Sales team. We have a social media team and we have a client success team. So, Abhi, like, according to our current situation in our business, these are the three most important aspects. One of sales team goal here. You have to figure out ways to book more sales calls, and I'm, like, part of the sales team. Sales team. Okay. Yeah. And, are you just part of the client success team? Client success. Results. Yeah. Okay. Help our client make more money. Their goal, he like one of our team members and, Ayush. And then we have social media team who I work with, and we both together make sure that our sales team is getting enough leads so that our sales calls are getting booked. Okay. I want to understand. Means you are friends and then you are business partner also. So how you manage this relationship? This is tricky one. So this is very, this has never created any problem for us. We had, like, really different This we have used as a fuel. Yes. Yeah. Okay. We are trusting, like, I we can blindly trust one another. Yes. Like, with how much sales we make every month. You know? Like, he blindly trusts me. Yeah. I'm the salesperson, so I should know. Mhmm. So I don't So division of work is very important. Yeah. Division is, like, his department is his department. My department is my department. If I need any help, I'll ask him. I'll he'll help me out. He needs any help, he'll ask him me and he'll help me out. But we don't, like, interfere in each other departments. If you have any problem, you don't have conflicts. We do that. Okay. Okay. Yeah. So in this answer, you have told that you goes to your coach, your mentors. So in this whole last three years of journey, how important are your mentors? Never been a day without a mentor. Without a mentor. Coaching program we either renew with them if we think they can help us or we find a new mentor. Never new mentor. Okay. Yeah. Never goal like the two comma club then two CCX. So I think since twenty twenty one, like, we don't have a mentor. Like, we have a mentor. Just some husband, we are, like, telling communicating with someone and getting that help. Wow. Wow. So there has never been a day. But, here comes the very important question that, you know, you are always in talking and messaging mentor. But how to choose mentor? Means it is very difficult to choose a mentor and then trust him and then put all your money into them. So if you can share what is the one thing, means, if a young person want to start a business can choose a mentor? See, first thing is when you asked a really good question, but before we answer that question, one thing that I have realized this is you are never putting money in your mentor. You are putting money in your yourself. Yourself. Okay. So mentor So this mindset has to be shifted. That has to be shifted. Putting, like so if I work with you, I'm not putting my bets on you. I'm putting my bets on your myself. Then I'm trusting me, and I know you can just guide me through it. You cannot make it for me. If that pop out. If I have seen your clients have achieved the goal or even you have achieved the goal Mhmm. And I'm investing in you, that means I am believing in myself now. If he can do it or if his client can do it, I can do it. That's the entire vision or that's the entire goal. I have seen people failing even if he had if they have the best mentors. Like, who's Best mentor. Who's coaching program have, like, thousands of people made money, but those people didn't make money. Mhmm. Why? Because they didn't trust themselves, and they lost the entire game because they either lost the faith in themselves or the client, which Yeah. Which happens with us also a lot. Like, even my clients, you know, like, they they, like, they're doing well and then something happens. They either go out, they see other people following other processes, and they're, like, they want to make a lot of money. They go to some other shiny. Yeah. Patience. Then again, you cannot just jump from one shiny object to another. You have to stick like organic organic. We are in that process since the last four years. I've not left a day behind where I've not been consistent with my organic. That's why we are here. But people don't understand that. The being a part of mentorship programs is they don't show up enough for themselves also. Like, if I'm a student in your program, I will be the most person who who will ask you the, like, I will ask you so many questions, and I'll be the person who have ever asked you the most questions. That's why this program will generally become we become the best clients also. Like, they love to work with us. Work with us. Yes. Yes. They want people want clients like, if I come to you and you are helping with me executive coaching, right, you want a person who actually apply what you are saying. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Who ask you question always is working towards what you are saying and achieving the goal. That's what you want. Super. Super powerful. So every coach wants that. So none of the coaches bad. It's like you are the person who is not doing the work. That's only the case. Because if that coach has done it or if they even have two, five clients who have done it, that means They have the the method works. Many methods work or if most of the things. I mean, in the beginning, they consistently have business and they're like lying to you. Nobody can do that, Right? So nobody can do that and you have to show up for yourself. You have to invest in your own. You have to be the one who can go ask hundred questions a day. People are looking to help you out, but you have to show up. Like, Like, such like, they don't give us so much, but we and that's the benefit. That's the yeah. Like, we will not I know that getting a time of mentor is very difficult. Yeah. It is difficult. And as a coach, I also understand that. But I know that I have invested. I need to get the result. Mhmm. Now I will be Like, I will be asking. That's right. Great. Great. Or wow. Oh, question You just it's like a very basic three to four step process I follow. Like, I see that first most important thing that I see is I'm let's say I'm working on organic marketing to make my this is one of the biggest learning that I'm I'm sharing with you. Let's say you're using organic marketing to make money. Mhmm. Now when you're choosing the mentor, make sure you're choosing the mentor by understanding what is your biggest obstacle right now. Obstacle. Yes. Organic marketing, you're choosing a mentor that's completely a different thing, giving a different thing because you are you like a shiny object. Yes. Yes. So first, identify what is your bottleneck Bottleneck. That you want. So the best thing is what's your goal that you're looking to achieve or what's your stop? Mhmm. They say I'm looking to make ten thousand dollars per month. Or I'll choose first, I'll identify that. Next step number two, you start searching for the people who can help you with the lead generation or who have helped their client to make the gain the money you want to make. Okay? So you have to start finding that kind of, peep people. Just see the case studies. Do they have the case studies? Mhmm. That's it. If they have the case studies, great. Now you go and talk to the the the person. Is he giving you proper support? If you have proper support, if they have the case studies, and if you have the, if you know the bottleneck. Yes. These are the three steps. That's it. And fourth is belief in yourself. Oh, that is very important. I've seen people lose their beliefs and not even in a, like, in yourself. You have to also believe in the system. It's not a get rich quick scheme. Get rich quick scheme. It is going to take advantage. Like this. Yeah. It's very it's very, very, very bad. And I get people I want to make ten lakhs in, like, one month. I'm like, do you have any base, any audience, anything that I can see that has a potential to give you ten lakhs per month. Nothing. Like, how is that possible? I've had people who have, you know, signed up and in ten days have not made any money. What do I answer to them? They are like completely zero. They are just They have no audience. They have no offer. They they don't know ABC of business at all. Nothing. Not about business. They don't know ABC about how to coach their clients. Yeah. Exactly. So how will you make money in ten days? It takes time to build a business. Right? So having that proper expectation is so critical. Like, if you don't have that right expectation, you will not have that time. Until you don't have that thing, you will never be able to achieve any of the goals. And this is the biggest problem that I feel coaching industry has Yeah. That they are not patients. Coaches, right now, quote to quote. Mhmm. Coaches are the most impatient business owners. Okay. It's quote to quote because Yes. There are so good, great business coaches who have done it for themselves and they can coach. Yes. But the client is so impatient So impatient. Yeah. That they want everything today. They are not seeing that. Alright. I don't know anything. I don't know anything about my marketing. I don't know anything about content creation. Nothing that I can give to a client. Mhmm. And I want to take webinar. They want results. And they feel frustrated. You are a coach but being a coach and being a business owner is completely different. Two different things. If you have to be in business, you have to market your business. Business on app coaching. You can get a job and you can coach other people. Right? Entrepreneurship. You have to market. You have to learn how to market. Entrepreneurship is not coaching. Coaching is different and entrepreneur Yeah. You have to be an entrepreneur. That's right. Yeah. People Yeah. You have to be an entrepreneur. That's right. Yeah. People want to skip selling part. Yeah. Like, you want to skip selling part, then, where's the bridge? Then you just, like, work with big coaches or people who can get you for a job. If you're just looking to coach, and I'm not saying that's wrong, but if you are getting into building a business, you have to think like an entrepreneur. Or entrepreneur entrepreneur out of business. For this, like, one of the most important quote that I tell to my clients is people are really afraid to sell. I'm like, have you watched Maha Mahabadad? Right? Mhmm. Yeah. Yeah. So the biggest salesperson in the entire world is Krishna Bhagwan. Yes. Krishna Bhagwan sold Arjun to kill his entire family. Alright? Krishna Bhagwan literally sold Arjun. Like, Arjun was afraid that he was saying, no. I don't want to, like, fight With my brothers. Fight with my brothers or with my uncle, Chachad. I don't want to do it. Literally. Krishnagwan set and stopped the time and sold him that no. This is the right thing to do. So just go and see the scene. If Krishna Bhagwan is willing to become a salesperson because he feel that if he do the sale, it will change the life of the person, then do it. Yeah. So you sell sell the hack heck out of the person if you feel you can change the life of the person. Okay? You are Krishna in the life of Arjun. Always remember that. So do you want to be Krishna or not? It depends on you. And if you can't and most people are not selling or afraid to sell because they don't believe in their own product. If they don't believe their product is life changing, they're like, what if they don't buy? You know, like, they're all objections like, I get all of this. I'm like, do you hundred percent believe that your product, your system, whatever you're

teaching, doing for them can change their life 03:

60 degree? The reason why I am able to make consistent sales because I truly believe in that. If you believe in that, there is no reason why you can't make sales. Amazing. Arjun and Krishna's story is amazing. This is something I like after working with so many clients, I got up with this story. Like, one day, this story literally stuck me. Like, one person was saying, I don't want to sell. I'm like then at that time Krishna Bhagwan stole Arjun I started telling the person this story and like this person was like that's right. Okay. So Ayush and Aditi, it's been amazing talking to your people. And, so, this is my last question. And, this is very, what you can say. We can sum up the whole journey. So this question is about, what are means what are the three most important advice you give if, someone is just passing out, just did bachelor degree from any college, maybe engineering or any college, and they want to start a coaching business. So what is the top three advices you give to them? So for someone who is starting a coaching business or who wants to start a coaching business and they're passing out and all that stuff? Yeah. Because they just passed out and they are seeing lot of ads and everything. Coaching is the thing, next big thing, and they are having some consideration about self self. Yeah. I would say number one thing is to really, really become a master of your own skill. Own skill. Because no matter how much, you know, like you get into the strategies and marketing, if you're not confident on yourself that, you know, if you're not confident that I can actually help someone out, you will not be even be able to sell your services. So become master of one skill, your own skill. It it can be anything like freelancing, video editing. It can be whatever people want. Like these days everything is a business. I've seen gaming coaches. I've seen coaches who are overcoming self doubts. Like so many different types of things. Making coaches, gaming coaches, photography coaches, like, wedding planning coaches, like, they're so everyone's a coach, you know, and everyone can launch their courses. So you have to become a master of your one skill. Maybe you have have you have it right now and become a craft become a master of it. Yeah. Or you don't have it learn. Yeah. Gain some clarity. Like, that is the most important thing because you will only sustain and make money if you have good skills. It's not like, again, a get rich good skill, not m and m or something like that. That's right. Hundred percent. And from my side, it will be like, whatever you want to skill is the important part. If you don't have it, then in the journey, you will gain it. But the first thing again comes is set your goal, whatever you want to do. Start a business. That's what your goal is. Then set your goal like I want to start a business. And then every decision you have to make, ask yourself this question that, will this help me to move forward towards my goal or not? That's the first biggest advice. Because your journey will be, like, every time you walk walking on a journey, there will be two paths diverging every time. So ask this question. Will this path lead me towards my goal or not? That's the first biggest advice that I'll I would like to give Yeah. After the this. Second that I would give is, remember there will be failures. Lots of them. Lot of failures. Yeah. We don't say failures. We call obstacles. Obstacles. Right? Yeah. Yeah. People are afraid of obstacle, but they have to remember that obstacles are like your, when you were in college or school, you had to go to nine from ninth standard to tenth standard. There was an obstacle known as exam. Exam. So you gave exam so you can You passed it. You can become a new person after giving the exam and you can go to the tenth standard. Right? Yeah. Similarly, it's the obstacle. You overcome the obstacle, like, pass the test, and you become a new person and move forward. Yeah. That's right. So You cannot have expectations that everything is going to be an exponential line. I always say this in all my events. Yeah. That's right. So You cannot have expectations that everything is going to be an exponential line. I always say this in all my events, like it's going to be a roller coaster ride. It's going to be ups, downs, and highs, and lows, and, you know, circles, and everything. But it will never be an exponential graph. That's right. So, yeah, this is very, beautiful three advices you have given. But out of these answers, I got one more question for you people because, you guys are just, in a completed quarter century in your age, and you're having such a big wisdom wisdom, knowledge about everything, about business, about mindset, about sales, about stories. So means, how you got so much clarity about mindset? Personally, for me, personally, like, Ayush can add his. For me, personally, it was more about, like my parents always you know encouraging us to read the books like self help books and all that like nobody had self help books in their households when we were eight, I was in eighth, ninth standard but my father used to bring them and just like, woah, read some pages, you know, like just randomly casually. He used to ask us to read the pages. For me, you know, laptop computers second, third standard. And even, like, you know, getting laptops for kids was like a big game. But my father gave us so I learned about the social media world. I started to search for the page. A fan page. So that's how I got into social media world, you know. So because my parents gave me that access Exposure. That exposure. And it's more about my father give me that access go see what's going on. When my sister was, like, just in sixth standard, she used to write blogs. She's a big fan of Selena Gomez. Those are Selena Gomez fan page. So, you know, like, that's how she started. Now she's a copywriter. That's how she started writing content. Like that's how her journey started you know. So we always had that exposure in her household and I believe that is the major reason how any of this started. Like, if we were not given the exposure, like me personally, I would not have been, like, you know, into social media, into marketing or I would not have even the confidence, like, of speaking. Like, make of most people of my age used to, you know, like, be very scared on stage or stuff like that. I've met him on me, papa, Hamisha would go dance on stage. So I was also a model in, tenth to twelfth. I was miss Lake City, you know, therefore my beauty pageant. Wow. So, they encouraged me go, you know, like go ramp up, like go dance on the stage. So, the fear, all the fears like moved away from that there. Like because I was nourished like that. Everything is so important. Yeah. About Harish. Yeah. For me, like, all the knowledge that comes is from, again, learning is the biggest thing that I have seen. Learn from the people who have done it before. And, you want to improve your mindset, learn from the people who have done it before. Like, you go read

books if you don't have money. You can at least buy 01:50 rupees, 02:

50 rupees book. If you have money and you want really someone who can give you the intimate advice, then go and hire the coach who has done it before. That's what I will say has been my biggest, way of improving myself in the entire journey. And when you keep seeing other people speaking, who the per like, you want to become like, anyone you want to become, like, if you see them speaking, you will, like, subconsciously gather those words, and all those things will happen. And you will improve with the mindset, business. So, dear, dear, in your journey, you improve. That's how I did. Great. So Aditi Different ways. Yeah. So Aditi, Ayush, and, that was my last question. And, I'm so thrilled to listen to you people and your journey and the way you connected three thousand five hundred dollars first time. So thank you for coming on the show. That's Thank you for having us.