Let's Talk Clarity

Effective Communication and Self-Reflection in Personal Growth : Kaniika, Personality Coach

July 20, 2024 Rakesh Mathuria Season 1 Episode 68

Kaniika, a personality coach, shares her journey and the importance of inner image and self-improvement. 

This episode discusses communication, body language, and time management strategies for success. Emphasis is placed on maintaining privacy, managing emotions, and balancing personal and professional responsibilities. Tips for time management and enhancing one's image are provided, highlighting the impact on first impressions. 

Kaniika is a Personality Coach, Josh Talk Speaker, Women Mentor of the Year by Icon of Asia, Corporate Trainer, Language Trainer, Image Consultant, Soft Skills Trainer, Wardrobe Stylist, Colour Consultant and Etiquette Trainer. 

Contact Kaniika on - https://www.instagram.com/personalitycoachkaniika/

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You versus yesterday's you. I versus yesterday. I this is this is something the whole Kanika, which I, you know, which has, you know, built up since till since my childhood till yet. This is something which I am. So see, I was always keen towards inner image. Right? So yeah. The the your self image. So I always I always gave importance to me. I did. Right? Because I always had this feeling if I will not be happy I cannot make other people happy. Ultimately time apniya ako manage nahi karta will manage. Time will time we have twenty four hours. Mhmm. It will we will not get twenty eight hours in a day. Yeah. So ultimately, we have that much of time frame how we are managing ourselves to be fitted. So again, how we are managing ourselves, what to tell, what not to tell this is will come with your emotional intelligence. I will give you a tip. So tip is that for everyone else over there So tip is first is t for think. Think. Okay. Wow. I for identify. Identify. And p for prioritize. Welcome to Let's Talk Clarity podcast. Aaj audio podcast, video podcast transfer or this podcast personality coach personality, image career, family, friends, relationship. So let's welcome Kanika or aage warte hai is episode. Welcome to Let's Talk Clarity podcast. And, today we are having a special guest with us who is an, personality coach. I don't know what is the meaning of personality coach, but, let's welcome Kanika on the show. Thank you so much, Rakesh, for having me here today. And it's it's really a pleasure to be with you and to be here on this platform and talking to you and with your audience as well. Thank you so much. So let's take this discussion forward and, start our podcast with your, this, designation. What is this personality coach? Because I was curious from last two, three days what it means and how you get this personality coach title. Yeah. So it's, you can say personality coach is something I am an image professional. Right? So it's a synonym to, to image professional, personality Okay. Image. Right? So what is it? Now what is an image professional? So like, when we are going out, Rakesh, so it's like we are taking care of our appearance. Yeah. We are taking care taking care of our behavior. We are taking care of our communication. So that is exactly the ABC of a personality coach or an image professional altogether. So in a gist in a crux, I have told you that the ABC of an image professional or a personality coach is appearance, behavior and communication. Communication. Oh, wow. Yes. A b c. So, right from childhood, I was, learning that A for apple. Yes. Yes. So now, we are in this world and we are working in a corporate. So ABC is important. Very important. Yeah. So how you got this title and, what means how can I get this title or what courses should I do to get this title? See, I have, done my course from ICBI. ICBI? ICBI. Right. So and What is the form of ICBI? Image Consulting Business Institute. Okay. So, yes, it is one of the renowned institute and one of the best institute in my industry. And it's like, they train individuals for their, you know, their image and for soft skills. So this is something these are two gamuts, which is very it's very, really essential for our today's life and to be on track as we all know that AI has taken a mainstream. Right? So these are two things which cannot be replaced. Right? And, yes, going forward, moving forward, I will I will be digging deep into it. Thank you for, miss letting us know about ICBI. BI. Yes. ICBI. Yeah. So, here I'm having a one important question that, you are just passing out from twelfth class. And at that point of time, have you thought that you will become a coach and have you, become a personality coach? And how you gained this clarity over a period of time? Okay. So here I would give the credit to my dad and my grandmother and definitely whole of my family, but yes, more importantly to my dad and to my grandmother. And since our childhood since my childhood and, you know, my siblings, my brother and sister since our childhood, they have always, encouraged us to be on the right side Mhmm. Of what we feel is right and test it, experience it through our own actions. So like Super powerful. Super powerful. So it's always been like that if they will teach us, right, we might forget. Right? And sorry. If they will tell us, we might forget. If they will teach us, we might remember. But if they ask us to involve in certain action, we will learn at that very moment. The involvement with that is something which I have been taught since my childhood through my from my dad and from my grandmother. And, like, my dad is an angel for me. And I I really I really love him a lot, really do. And he is something who has always been on my side emotionally and you know always encouraging me to to achieve a level and it's something I cannot lose to him if he has made something to do I cannot lose to him I have to make me right and he is always happy to feel and to see me right so it's something that I cannot lose him that is my trigger as well that to achieve something in my life so this is something which has been carved which I have carved in my brain since my childhood that you know we say that to myself so whenever I you know just stand in front of the mirror I should have that essence Yes. So it's something that how you are becoming a special, you know, one of yourself and how you are evolving with the one you are yesterday. Okay. So the fight always so you can say the fight, the competition is only with me. Yes. Yes. None other. You versus yesterday's you. Yes. You versus yesterday's you. Yeah. I versus yesterday. I this is this is something the whole Kanika which I, you know, which has, you know, built up since till since my childhood till yet. This is something which I am. Okay. And then, from where, miss, how you reached to personality coach? From twelfth and then how miss, what prompted you to took this profession? Okay. So, like, since my childhood when I was in tenth or eleventh, so I always been appreciated for my voice and and the the power of listening. So I have this thing which is inbuilt again I would say it's something which I am blessed with. So I wanted I used to listen very carefully to whatever the other person is saying. Right. So this is something which is really very required right now at this point of time because you must have seen many people they have this complaint that no one is listening to them. Right. So this the voice part that I have and the listening part. So this actually culminated me that, you know, to be on some kind of a profession or like to be on a platform wherein I can counsel other people, wherein I can help other people. So I don't tell them what they have to do, just showing them right path. So this is how because of my voice and my listening thing I always got appreciated and then I was somehow inclined towards, you know, personality and image because you we all have, you know, same problems in our lives. Yeah. Yeah. They are all related. Right? It could be financial problem. It could be with parents. It could be a relationship problem. It could be a work related problem. So the problems are same. Same. The subjects are same. The subject of conversation is same. But, yes, the the variety could be different. The feeling may alter, like, little bit. But, ultimately, if you, you know, funnel it down, you will get the same root of each and everything. Yes. Yes. So this is how I got the clarity when, you know, I chunked down when I used to talk with different people altogether my classmates and you know friends of my classmates cousins of my classmates and then slowly and gradually I you know practiced this this this somehow came to me naturally Naturally. Yes. So, yes. The Because, so when I did my twelfth, I was I was having only one option, injuring or, medical. That's it. Mhmm. Personality coach, I have never heard of. Yeah. So how you I mean, so if you can share any incident, how you to got to know about personality coach and I I ICBI and how you did that course that will make my audience more, Yeah. Yeah. So see, I was always keen towards inner image. Right? So yeah. The the your self image. So I always I always gave importance to me. I did. Right? Because I always had this feeling if I will not be happy, I cannot make other people happy. So now this question, this statement actually, you know, forced me to be somewhere or to find something where I could get the answer. Then the image, actually, the image terminology came in front of me. Then when I digged into image, then we have two types of images. We have an inner image. We have outer image as well, which, you know, they club together. They glue together, and they make a whole personality. Right? So personality is an umbrella term. Right? And we have so many things under personality. It's just not your appearance. Mhmm. Right? It is your behavior. It is your communication apart from your domain skills. Right? Apart from your technical knowledge. Yes. So this is something which is, I, which is I know scientist has told that your domain skills, they are responsible only fifteen percent for your success. Okay. Right? They are important. Yes. They they they these are the bedrocks. You cannot ignore them. You cannot ignore your professional qualification. But to sustain into a particular job, you need life skills. You need soft skills. You need emotional intelligence. You need time management. You need certain, you know, certain behavior to be conducted, you need to conduct yourself, you need to limit yourself. So how you're going to, you know, chunk it or how you're going to split it in a way that it gives you hundred percent result. How you're going to do that. So then again, this personality thing came to me that the personality is what you have to balance. How the balance will come and the balance only can come when you prioritize when you know when to move forward and when you know when you need to go two steps back as well..Because when ultimately when you are climbing up a ladder you have to take one step ahead and when you are coming down you must know that everyone is friendly with you you might have to come down to again go up to again lift you up so at that moment people you know do feel irritated they feel low at that point you know just you just give yourself that push no you have to do no you have to do so that push no one can give you that's an individual choice this is something you have to fight for yourself Again, here the personality plays a role. Mhmm. So personality is, as I said earlier, it's it's your appearance, it's your behavior, it's your communication. All see. Ultimately, you're communicating with yourself as well. Yes. That's the most important communication. That's the most important communication. You cannot stay you cannot not communicate. You cannot not communicate. Right? Ultimately, if you are not even saying anything, still you are communicating. Yes. Even though if you are silent if you are looking pensive one can come to you and ask what is wrong with you? Something is wrong? So it's like that you cannot not communicate in simple words. And now again your words they play a very little low role in your life. Mhmm. Right? Seven percent. Seven percent. Yes. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So as doctor Mehrabian says, only seven percent. So then body language plays a major role. Major role. Seventy percent. Yeah. Seventy percent. Right. So body so see how body language is so important. Then your tone, your conduct, your behaviour, right? And then the words. So ultimately, no matter what, what are your qualifications. Right. If you are not conducting it right, if you don't have your good conduct of yourself, you are you have if you have not drawn limits, you won't be successful to the level you might have if you have those things as well. So this is something which makes the personality coach this is this is little story about like how I have gone through how I inclined towards the personality and so it's I am I would say again personality coach or an image professional, they are synonyms to each other. So that was amazing, journey you have shared with us. And, I'm sure this solo entrepreneur journey is, full of challenges. And, so can you share how you tackled your challenges and overcame the challenges and came out stronger and successful? Yes of course and it's a really interesting question I would say and it's something that is related, you know, I at core of my heart, it is, like, deeply I have imbibed it into into my heart during my lowest phases. Everyone has lowest phase in his or her life. Everyone, you know, goes through that phase where you really feel down and not accepted and you have a self doubt and, you know, you you lack confidence. What next? What next? So at that very moment three things which have always, helped me to stay at least on the right path if not being positive basically negativity of other peoples. Right? They have helped me to be on the right path if not being positive. And three slangs I would, you know like to share so it's like Hindi Okay. Right? That's the first thing. Ultimately, what ultimately, the question is that what if I won't be successful? Yeah. Go ahead. So and the second post that is Okay. Ultimately, you have everyone have secrets in their lives. Right? Mhmm. And we all are afraid of, you know, what if they will come out? Mhmm. Right? And that is something which stops you at time. So now you have to be very mindful. You should share. You do share. But you have to really very, you know, make your choices right. So that is the thing which we all we want but we don't want it. All all of my journey and this is something which you know each one of us can relate. Might be it's a college going girl, might be it's a couple, might be an old age person. Mhmm. So it's it's age. Mhmm. You have to believe in that magic. I believe in that magic. Magic. Wow. That I can create being a personality coach. So ultimately, you have to believe in your dream. And how am I going to do this with you know with these triggers with these highs actually these are my highs so that gives me the motivation and that gives me that push. No, Kanika. You have to you have to go and you have to achieve it. That's your goal. So, yes. Yeah. Super powerful. All these three quotes are. And, I think I have never heard these kind of, quote from someone. So can you repeat once again all three? Yes. All three. All three in one go. Yes. So the number one, Right? Secondly, and the third one, Wow. These are sweet words. And I could feel that all three were coming from your core of your heart. They are. They are. Indeed. So but but how come you means find out this quote and, means who who who was the person or incident from where these are generated if you can share. Yeah. Yes. I can. So, when I was, I was young. Right? So I you are still young yeah? Yeah. More young so it's like ultimately we all are getting older so that is the truth which I have kept with me since like since very. You know when I was really very young that this has to happen say that when I was, like, in my school days. Mhmm. So what I saw that one of my friends committed suicide. Okay. She shared some of her the incident, what what all has happened in her at her place with one of her friends. Mhmm. And she actually, you know, revealed the you know, she spilled the beans all over. All over. And which, you know, emotionally, you know, distracted her, shattered her, the the friend, my friend who told the secret and which led towards suicide. See, that's a big step. Wow. So whenever you are telling a secret, so so much trust is involved, so much emotions are involved, so many emotions are involved altogether. Mhmm. And the other person who is actually giving you an information, so that would be so related, you know, so very fixed towards its heart. Mhmm. And we should respect that. That was the moment when I, you know, came out with this thing that I won't be, you know, revealing each and everything to each and everyone. Mhmm. I will be very choosy. Choosy. Yes. Right. To whom I will have to share the secret no matter what if the other person is your best friend since years. I don't tell my secrets even to my best friend. Just not it's not that I don't trust her. Mhmm. It's just that that this is something which belongs to me. It's very personal Personalized. Personalized. Right? Okay. And that privacy I really want in my life. And because no one can understand me the way I understand myself. No one on this planet are. Yes. Yes. So you know yourself better than anyone else why don't I become my best friend like in terms of secrets in terms of you know if I am talking professionally definitely I will talk I will discuss with people but if there is something on the emotional front I have to ultimately what what all says So if you have to do this by yourself, then why not at your early age? Why not, you know, having a single simple decision by yourself? Why not telling a secret to you? Why to everyone? Mhmm. So it's from there you can also say that listening thing has happened because it's more inner talking and so that is something which is every time. This happens like twenty four seven within me. Should I? Should I not? And then I you know prioritize and and this, how you are funneling it down. So from here, I'm getting curious because, in in our office also, in our job also, we share a lot of things with our colleagues. Yes. And, sometimes it backfires and sometimes we are on this, we are fighting for same post, same rank. Mhmm. So, in office, how can we apply this and what, what are the flags, we can we have to choose and where we have to stop that. Should I share, should I don't share. Is there any tips for this? First of all, be yourself. First of all, be yourself. That is where you're going to guide yourself and limit your information. Mhmm. See, limiting your information is really very important. Only say that much what is required. Often we when we are with our friends or when we are with our colleagues, what we do, we actually, you know, keep on talking, talking, talking and within the flow, it just we vomit we vomit out everything. Yes. Yes. Yes. So it happens. Right? There we are not aware that this is the limit. So first you have to set your limit within yourself that this is something which has limited limited to me only. Right? So if it's a if it's a project discussion, then obviously you cannot limit yourself. But it's if it's a personal discussion, you can limit yourself. Why not? So this is the big attention we can say. So so for office, means for with whom we can share. We can share with our family, we can share with our friends and and how to choose means it is it is very, actually very close to my heart topic because, I see a lot of people are having a lot of things in their heart. Yes. And they are not getting any ears where they can go, where they can say their inner things. And sometimes it's it it is, means boiling inside just like pressure cooker. Mhmm. So so can you throw a light on this topic that, whom we can share and how can we make that those connections with someone so that we can share our heart out and, vent out. See now in this tech world, we can use this technology to, you know, ease it out at once. When you are actually intensively feeling something Mhmm. At that very moment, you don't know that whether it's a valid information or whether it is something which I should share or not. But at that time, you just want to speak. So at that at this moment, what I do with my clients or what I counsel to my clients and to me as well Mhmm. I record my voice. Okay. I talk I talk whatever I want to talk. I talk to myself. Mhmm. I record it. Okay. Like I am talking to someone on call. Okay. Ultimately, what what is it that our brain doesn't know what what the other picture is? Mhmm. So you have to give it a picture. Why not yourself? First Wow. Talk to yourself how you can do that. You can either write on the paper, which is which is something which is historically available and everyone says that right? Yeah. Journaling. Yeah. Journaling. Right? And apart from it what I do because I am not very fond of writing on paper and I just record myself. Right? I record myself and once that phase is over after one and two hours I listen to it. Okay. Then actually you get the clarity. Was it was it something which needed my that much of attention? Was that required? So ultimately if I am going to call off one of my friends and tell, so now after some time, I may feel this was nothing to, you know, discuss this was nothing I should reveal it this might, you know, hamper someone it it might could harm someone but time will come back. Right? Yes. So ultimately, we can manage time. We can manage Time will time we have twenty four hours. Mhmm. It will we will not get twenty eight hours in a day. Yeah. So, ultimately, we have that much of time frame how we are managing ourselves to be fitted. So, again, how we are managing ourselves, what to tell, what not to tell, this is will come with your emotional intelligence. Okay. So here I want to ask you that, you just talk about time management. So, you are a solo entrepreneur. You are having family, then friends, then kids. So how you are managing your time and focus? And, is there any tips so that my listener can, have the idea about time management? Because it's very tough to Definitely. And it is not at all tough. As you have asked for tip, I will give you a tip so tip is that for everyone else over there so tip is first is t for think. Think. Okay. Wow. I for identify. Identify. And P for prioritize. Okay. So this is the tip actually and when you hear it it might look very simple but actually when you work on it you might find challenges you might face challenges. And that is really going to help you a lot in managing stuffs. See, ultimately, I every I I know I always say this Rakesh that, you never prioritize. You don't prioritize. Time prioritizes for you. Right? Okay. So if if the need of an hour is that you have to go to work Mhmm. Right? And if if there is an emergency at place, Now both, you know, at both the sectors, at both the parts, it's an emergency. You have to be available on both the grounds yes yes yes yes yes So on the Sunday, we are recording the podcast. So, what my family is thinking and so lot of things work on it. Yeah. So it's like every time and obviously if you choose one the other will get offended. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. And then you have to set your limit again. Right? So alternatively, the alternative is the best thing how you can delegate your work is the best thing and stick to your decision. Decisions. Okay. Stick to your decisions. For example, you know, work life balance. Right? Its a very common subject that everyone says work life balance Yes. How to do that? Right? So what is work life balance? That ultimately you're balancing your work and your personal life, your house life. Right? Yes. Yes. This is what is work life balance. Yes. Yes. Right. Yeah. That is less priority to me in my brain. Mhmm. Pressure. I should fulfill that goal that decision of that day. Okay. Keeping your promise. Right? So keeping your promises is working life and personal life so that when an emergency comes so you can go ahead and opt for the one which is requiring you the most Okay. Wow. When you are balancing your both the lives on regular basis and when if any emergency comes then you can you know, emergency will not come every day. Mhmm. It won't come. You know, it your your boss is not on your head, like, twenty four seven. But, yes, moments can come. So here, what incorporates, I have seen this a lot. Mhmm. But what we are doing, we are not paying attention towards our promises made to our family members. And even to self also. Even to self also. Both. Like, that is like we are managing. Right? Three three parts of it. So we are looking at logo right we are balancing ourselves towards you know, unknown people, stranger peoples. They might be with us today. They might not be with us tomorrow. Yes. But what we are doing, we are creating an image in front of them. But what about our own people? So actually you should be mindful when you are talking towards your loved ones. Why would you want to hurt them? Mhmm. Right? They have they are your strengths. Right? They are your pillars. They are going to stay with you lifelong. Then why why don't we mind our words in front of our own people? That is work life balance, keeping your promises, minding your words, right, minding your tonality, and giving that that that warmth, that friendly, you know, output, like, in every situation. I understand you cannot be perfect. No one is perfect and one should not be perfect. Yes. Right. I I I don't like to be perfect. I don't want to be perfect. Post perfect what and I I you know I feel like its my personal observation that only dead people can be perfect Only dead people or that God which we have not seen. Yes. No one has has seen. But we believe in that power. Power. So ultimately, we are as good as we are imperfect. And, you know, working towards excellence every day Mhmm. Success is going to happen ultimately. Yeah. Yeah. So balancing out, like, balance is the key. Consistency is the key. But how to reach over there, this is something which I have just shared. I really like like about the TIP tip. Yeah. And, so, Kanika, we are are at the end of our podcast. And, can you share that, how one can reach to you? And, and before that, can you answer that, who are the people, who are the corporates, who can have a personality coach, who can make over their image transform and why also a slight bit and how they can reach to you, Instagram, website or LinkedIn. Yeah. So I would, first tell you that why it is important. Yes. Why image is important so here I would like to ask you a question yeah yeah so we all get ready Yes. Right? And That's a simple question? Yes. Yes. This is something so basically because it is important. Yeah. It is important. Yes. Right? Day to day life. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. So important. Right? Yeah. So important answer the question itself answers. Right? Answer Normally, answers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Nobody tells. No one tells actually. Yeah. Yeah. But a personality coach and a mid professional would ask you what's the occasion Wow. What's the occasion? Right? So like first of all image is important because that is the impression you are presenting. That's a see, you are yourself a brand. Every individual, it's a a own brand. Every individual might be he or she is working professionally or not. But yes you are on this earth on this planet earth and then you have got this beautiful you know blessing from that almighty life and life is something to live and we should live to our fullest. Right. So image is is something is going to happen you to live your life to fullest and you know know to accomplish whatever you want in your life that want how you are magnetizing it how you are magnetizing other people how you attract them what you want actually so that is again image and that is why image is important balancing out what you want, how to reach towards that and how you should present yourself. So ultimately when we see each other for the first time so you know unconsciously we actually give a look we give a glance how the person is looking. Yes. Should I go for it? Should I talk to him? Should I talk to her? So the image is image parts you know it plays a really very important role your body language plays a very important role your clothes you know plays a very important role so that is why an image professional or personality coach would ask what's the occasion? If you will ask. So that is why. And how can someone reach to you and. Yes Oh, anyone can reach me through my Instagram handle and, by the name personality coach Kanika. Kanika with the double I. Double I. Okay. Right. And, same with my LinkedIn. I have my LinkedIn account with the same by the same name. And yes. It's age no bar. The anyone who really wants to enhance himself or herself from the core of it, a heart, anyone can reach me. So it's age no bar. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Young graduate also and Young graduate also and Young graduate also and And who has already worked twenty years three decades. Yeah. Yes. Yes. I was I just shared and, I just know I don't remember. But I just you know, there is there is an example of Falconi Nayar. She started her brand when she was fifty. Fifty. Yes. And now the Nykaa is the whole brand. Brand. Yes. Right? So it's age no bar. Wow. Anyone can, you know, dig into it Yeah. And feel the magic tips and, your three principles. So, it's tips and, your three principles. So, it's always a pleasure to talk to you and thank you for being on the show. Thank you so much Rakesh and it was really a pleasure to be here and it's it's it's a it's a moment which I will not be forgetting and it's a great learning to be with you today and learning new things from you as well and the question the common questions it is this is something which is really very common to everyone and to answering that thank you for thank you so much for having me and asking such questions which is going to help you your which is going to help your audience a lot. A lot to get lot of clarity, actually. Let's talk clarity. Clarity. Thank you for watching my episode on YouTube. And, Umird please comment or career transformation life fulfillment productivity, time management, please comment or website contact I will be happy to guide you in any of these matter. Thank you.