Let's Talk Clarity

Clarity Talk with Vamsi Polimetla Executive Coach - EP56

January 21, 2023 Vamsi Polimetla Season 1 Episode 56

Without graduation, he moved to Singapore and then to US climbing corporate ladder. However, he found that even the board members are not fulfilled in their life, health or spirituality. This quest pushed him into personal growth and coaching business.

Vamsi Polimetla, Founder & CEO of Make More Leaders is simple, sorted, calm & composed and having lot of clarity about career & personal growth. Listen to this mind boggling journey of switching careers & continents and then jumping into business.

In this episode, we discussed - 

  • Why he transformed from corporate job to coaching business.
  • 2 types of friend - Maintenance & Growth Friends
  • Instead of Time Management, manage energy & focus and How?
  • How to get fulfilment while doing the job.

Contact him on LinkedIn for any career guidance  - Vamsi Polimetla

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I was looking at their lives. They're really good at what they are doing, but they're really, really miserable in other areas of their life. This is where I started noticing it. They're a good leader on the title, they're the good manager on their business card. They're like managing maybe 500 people, maybe 2000 people, but what else that they are good at? And when I start asking those questions, not too many things. They are empty on many areas. And I felt that I don't want to be somebody like them in the future. Welcome to another episode of let's Talk Clarity podcast. Today we have a special guest all the way from USA. Yes. He's founder and CEO of Make More Leaders. Wamsi Pauli Metla. Actually, he's from India, and the journey he took from India to USA is worthlessness. How he went to Singapore and then how he climbed the ladder and reached USA. And after working for so many years, he changed his profession to business and which is a coaching business. I met him in one of the retreat in Shimla, where he came all the way from USA to attend that event. He's so calm, composed, and having clarity in every area of life. In this episode, he has given very simple but powerful tips and tricks to transform your career and to manage your time and how to get fulfillment while doing a job or business. So, without further ado, let's start the episode and talk Clarity. Hello, everyone. This is Rakesh, your coach, author, speaker, and career transformation expert. Welcome to my podcast. Let's talk clarity. Let's Talk Clarity, in which we discuss about career transformation, productivity, and life fulfillment. Let's start the episode and talk Clarity. Wamsi, welcome to the show. Hey, Rakesh, great to be here and also great to see you after a long time. Yeah, same for me. Also, it's great to catch up with you on Zoom. This podcast is about career transformation, life fulfillment, and time management or productivity. So from your journey, I could see that you have been working in four companies in some different continents from Singapore, then US. And your journey is being great. And then maybe four years, five years back, you jumped from a corporate job into an entrepreneurship. So the first question is that what is driving you in this whole journey? Absolutely. So a little background rakesh. Born in India, I spent my 1st 20 years in India and proud to be an Indian. I started my career when I was 19 years old. From childhood, I was not like, an A plus student. I was not like, a topper in the class. I was always like, just playing the game, not to lose. I don't want to get into the principal sockets. I don't want to get, like, maybe yelled at my parents. So I was just managing my grades throughout my schooling, and suddenly I get interest on computer science because it's not because I'm a good programmer or like I'm a good architect. I don't want to spend time outside in the hot sun. During those days, all of my cousins, all of my friends were choosing the field, which is like I felt like, no, I don't want to be a civil engineer, I don't want to be an electrical engineer. And just like I really wanted to sit inside the air conditioning rooms. So that was prompted me to spend more time on the computer science. So I started at 19 without even having the graduation and I got into a job. I was super happy. Then got an opportunity to move to Singapore and I went there and later I completed my graduation, came to us. So all the time like I was enjoying what I was doing. Along with that, I also felt I've been helping so many people not only solving problems on the technology side, but also solving problems on what they're going through in the team, communication, what they're going through in their mindset. So I realized I think I wanted to be doing a little bit more of this. That is how like the program that started and I was coaching them and slowly it became my business now. And it's a good journey. It's been a good journey. I spent the first 23 years of my life in the corporate and after that the coaching. If I say what was the difference between like a corporate and this is almost like moving six balls at the same time. Whereas if you are in the corporate, I know most of you know it's just like you're juggling one ball, you're like a manager, maybe you're a director or maybe you're an architect or a programmer. You're just like doing that work. Whereas an entrepreneur, you're doing multiple things. You are delivering something, you're designing something, you're taking care of your finances, you're taking care of your marketing, you're taking care of all your PR and so many balls at the same time. Great. That's a great journey. And how you transform from India to Singapore then graduation than us. But the clarity of career came means after 23 years and it was like no brainer means you just went with the flow of coaching. So how that has happened? Is there any trigger point or how that happened? So very good question. We all have to go through some kind of pain to get something what we want. So about twelve years ago, Rakesh, I moved from my technology side of my career into management side of my career. So during my first few months I realized my strength is not on the management. I was almost like about to give up. And one day my boss asked me, hey, you have to give a keynote presentation about what your vision for the next entire year for your team? So I prepared all night and I prepared really well what I'm going to be delivering. The next day morning, I went to work with my perfect suit on, with the tie. Everything is like a good shape. And I realized the people who are in the room, not just my direct reports, the entire organization. So I was expecting about like 15 people who are reporting to me in the room. But I saw like 100 plus people, along with that, a vice president. Also, like, I used to report the moment I saw those people and vice president, I felt like, oh my God. And I completely bombed on the stage. And that incident really helped me. After that, I felt really terrible about myself. Why did I do such a bad job? Why? I don't think, like, I deserve this job. I went to my manager at that point, and I was about to ask, hey, I wanted to go back to my technology role. This management gig is not at all good for me. That was my intention. But the very first thing he said was, wamsi, you did pretty well yesterday. I was kind of shocked, and it's like a slap on my face. He believed in me. I know I did not do that good, but he saw something in me. He was encouraging me. So I stepped out from that room and I decided, I think I need to start believing more on myself. And I started investing almost like every single dollar I was making into my personal growth. After paying my house, after paying my all kids and mandatory things, that really helped me wreckage that investment started two Xing, three Xing, ten Xing in my life. And people around me started noticing that you're not only growing in your career, you're also becoming better person. You're also becoming very calmer. What's going on? So people started asking, I said, like, I don't know what's going on? Maybe I'm reading some books, I'm going to some event I'm attending, taking some courses. I started working with people like Robin Sharma, Tony Robbins, Brendan Buchard, and I was talking with you before this interview starts, like Louis House, all these people indirectly helping me to see the possibilities that I was not seeing. And with that, I started like, taking one step at a time. How about I push myself a little harder? Little harder. And over the time, it's a compound effect. Wow, that's such a deep incident you have shared. And I was just in awe that how that we are so harsh on ourselves and someone or maybe some boss or some senior person is believing you more than us. So it was mind blowing event you have shared. And that incident you have shared, it's been crazy to listen. And I was just going into my mind and I was going into my childhood. That when someone believed in me more than myself. And I remember that it was my uncle. And when I was praying cricket, so I was good in cricket. So he was like, yes, we have to play nationals. And I was not able to play the baller of my local Mince neighborhood. And he's believing me that I will play in the Nationals. So I just got into my mind that incident. Absolutely. So let's talk about how you transformed from corporate to entrepreneurship. Because transformations are always messy and lot of chaotic and how you handle that and what was the transition process. Sure. Before I get into the transition part, I would like to share why I decided to move from corporate. And this started about like a 560 years ago. Prakash, I started going for events just like how we met in one of the events in India I've been going to. You came all the way from US to India to attend the event just for four days, right? Yeah, I was going for those events and at the same time, because of all my investment into personal growth, I got up in the corporate ladder. I got a chance to work with a lot of sea level executives. They are very well qualified than me. They came from some of them london Business School, Stanford, Harvard, you just name it. Like all the best universities. I was not even close to sit next to them, have a conversation with them. But because of my personal growth, the management saw we need somebody who got like a boots on the ground, should be in this room. And I got that opportunity and I was looking at their lives. They're really good at what they are doing, but they're really, really miserable in other areas of their life. This is where I started noticing it. They're a good leader on the title, they're the good manager on their business card. They're like managing maybe 500 people, maybe 2000 people. But what else that they're good at? When I start asking those questions, not too many things. They are empty on many areas. And I felt that I don't want to be somebody like them in the future. I did not see myself climbing the corporate ladder with so many holes on my back. That is where the transition the mindset started and it's just the beginning. I keep like investing more into studying those people. This is again rakesh for all of you who are listening to this show. When you look at somebody, don't just look at the person based on the title, look at the person how healthy that person is. If somebody a general manager, somebody's like a director, maybe a vice president and if you are respecting them, you are doing every single thing that person is asking you to do based on the title. I think you are doing it wrong. You need to start seeing that. Is this the person really my role model? Is this the person like as flexible that I wanted to be? Is this the person got the energy like one of my champions, like tendulkar's energy in this. Do you have any of the similarities? Look, from those angles, I think that's important thing. Like, all of us make a mistake. Oh, I wanted to follow this guy because he got a million dollars on his bank account. No, you need to see many other things. Some people, they don't have those titles. Maybe they are like your colleagues, maybe somebody who's under you, but they're really, really energetic. They're very sharp. They have more clarity than anyone in the room. Maybe you can model them as well. So that is how the modeling will start and that is how you can learn from other people. So the transition part going back there. I know this is a long answer. Transition started one day. I was with the Tony Robbins. I spent like a good amount of time learning from Tony Robbins. So you date with Destiny, right? I did 1515 plus events with Tony. I also worked with Tony. Yeah. So pretty, pretty long time there. I realized every time when I see Tony, or maybe when I see Robin Sharma, when I see Brendan Butcher, they all are really, really alive. They are joyful doing what they are doing. When I'm in the boardroom with the 15 other executives, everybody is stressed. They're trying to put a mask on themselves and trying to behave like somebody who is not. Because I know, I know in and out of that person in the boardroom, they're talking like somebody else. They're behaving they're trying to just like, faking it. I saw that I don't want to be that person. I really wanted to do just like how Tony, how Robin Sharma, how Brendan Butcher, all these people are enjoying that what they are doing. So that is where, like, it started. Right now, you and I are talking. I'm fully in the moment of like, a joy, right? I see the same thing from you. You're smiling. And this is the difference that I noticed that and I decided I don't want to be in the corporate. I wanted to be doing this. And for me, the decision was pretty clear. And I created a roadmap. I don't want to be quitting tomorrow because I got this inside. I gave myself twelve months. In the twelve months, I wanted to slowly move into the full time coaching. So what happened? Rakesh again, a lot of people, they think entrepreneurship is like, I need to have this like a seven step formula, like maybe 100 lead funnel, something. No, you don't need any of those things. Start with one person. So in this journey, I proposed one of my friend. Hey, his name is Venkat. He's also from India, living in US. And hey, Venkat, I'm thinking about starting a coaching business. Do you think like, it's something that I'll be good at? And immediately he said, once you have been observing you from the past few years, I don't think like, maybe any person that I know a better coach than you? How about maybe I become your client? Can you coach me? And I said like wow, are you serious? And he said like yeah, I'm 100% serious, let's start. And I said like, okay, let's start from next week. So all that next week I was just like brainstorming all these ideas so I'm going to be helping him. That's it. I did not go for any course and say how to create a coaching program, nothing, everything like say these are the things that I know I can help him with. And I served him for three months and after three months he said like the last three months are the best three months of my entire adult life. So that gave me confidence and byproduct of that Wanker started looking happy, venkat started like a leader in his group and everybody started noticing what happened to you. And obviously the mankind said my coach helped me and say who is your coach? What is coach? Are you into sports or something? Said like no, this is how I think, like you can transform your life, this is how you can create priorities for your career, this is how you get clarity. And he started referring people and I did the same thing for them. Again, I was in the full time job. I was just doing this on Saturdays and Sundays. At one point I realized that my weekend is more busier than my entire week. And that also gave me a confidence. I think I should be doing this full time. Initially I used to do like more one on one coaching and after that I created a group coaching program from the groups to multiple groups, then into live events. So it's a big transformational journey. So the point is you don't have to have 100 things, you just need one person who can just surrender that person to yourself and you can start creating that impact and that person will go and do the magic for you. Great. What a journey you have. And I was totally related to this because nowadays my weekends are more busier than weekdays so I'm totally related to that. So wamsi let's take it forward and discuss because I have listening to your content also and your LinkedIn post also. So you are always talking about that invest in self investment, in skill development and right now also in the podcast also you shared that whatever mandatory expenses you had and the remaining amount you are spending on your skills and yourself and your growth. So what is the concept behind it? Because I was not able to understand. Sure, very simple rakesh. When we were younger we had our parents used to guide us from zero to ten until your ten years old our parents used to say take this, pick this when we get after ten our teachers maybe in the school, in the university, they used to guide us these these are the things you should take. After that you are on your own. Once you get into your job, you don't have a guidance you are doing based on everyone around you what they are doing. Everyone in your neighborhood, they're driving a Toyota, you go and buy a Toyota, everyone in your neighborhood driving a BMW. You say I think I should be buying the BMW. You are going and investing into those things, that's all. So you are giving your potential, you're giving your future to your neighbors, your circle. When I say investing in yourself, you are stepping away from your current circle. You are giving yourself a permission to be part of a tribe which is like a very high level than your current network. They are thinking differently, they are acting differently. The way they are processing ten times, sometimes like 100 times bigger than your current circulation. So you always need to find a tribe to be surrounded with. There are two types of friends, Rakesh. This is also like I talked about in a different podcast. Maintenance friends. For example, all your classmates, all your cousins, maybe your neighborhood friends, they're all maintenance friends. You meet them once in a quarter, maybe once for every occasion, maybe a couple of times a year. They're not going to be helping you do any of those things that you wanted to do. Whereas there is a group called Growth Friends. They always just like you went to the experience in Navyatnam with BHX and you spent four or five days with the growth friends. They are all thinking differently, they're all acting differently, they're all like prioritizing things differently. So you gave yourself a permission to surround with those growth trends. So that is the investment you need to start making. Who are the people who are thinking three, four steps ahead of me? And if you spend more time with them, you will be start thinking. It's almost like a magnet when you put like other object close to the magnet that objects get the same energy, right? The same thing. Here I got your point and investment. So I was also thinking about myself. And in the last four or five years so I have also spent maybe a million in Indian rupees including our life plugin and BHS and all those things. And I could see that something is getting transformed inside me and I was having some different friends and now I got the name also Growth Friends. So the Growth Friends are the ones always when we are slowing down because our life always like throws curveballs, right? And whenever we are slowing down, maintenance Friends are not going to be doing anything for you. Growth Friends always reminds our future. Hey Rakesh, you know you are going to be one of the best podcasters in India and your podcast is going to be downloaded like a million times. Why you are not playing big, why you are slowing down why you are restricting yourself. Whereas in the maintenance trends, they say, rakish, what is this podcast? Come on, let's have some party. Come on, let's go for a beach and just enjoy. This is boring, right? So, two different variations. The more time that you spend with the growth friends, you get really into the zone that you want it to be. Again, there is nothing wrong with the maintenance friends, but you need to limit yourself, especially if you're a priority. You wanted to grow and you wanted to create an impact in this world. So you need to spend time with people who are creating the impact. Wow, that's great. And there was such an important concept of growth friends and maintenance friend. So Wamsi, let's take the discussion further and let's discuss about what are your top three highs of your career? Maybe corporate career and the coaching career. Both. Sure. It's always a learning process. I would say when I started my career at 19 in India, I was making about $30 a month. During those days, my only intention is I don't want to work anywhere outside of this computer because this is so cool, calm and also very colorful. The teenager, that thing. And I started there. And the moment I stepped out from my comfort zone. Rakesh I was originally from city called Vishaka Partnam in Andhra Pradesh, and I never stepped out from my home state until first time I stepped out from the country. And that was like one of the riskiest thing I did because I went to Singapore as a visitor, as a tourist. So that was the first time I got my passport, went to Singapore, and I not only just increased my salary, I 100 X. I was making $30 before a month in India, that became $3,000. Within within weeks, I landed in Singapore. I got my visitor visa for, I think about 30 days. In the 30 day period, I appeared for a couple of interviews. At that point, it was okay being a visitor, you cannot work, but you can go and attend interviews. And after, like, second interview, I think I got the job. I think I got like, multiple jobs, and I selected the one, and that was 100 X. From there again, I moved to US. From us to doing multiple things and starting my career. Starting even like in the coaching business, it started with just like, one person. Then from there, I moved into the group. From the group, I started like a live event. So always the moment we start stepping out from our comfort zone, all the magic is going to be happening. One thing is most of the people got drug addiction. I would say 95% of the people. The drug is called comfort zone. I'm very comfortable with this job. I think I have my car, I have my house. I have two kids. Maybe I have two vacations a year. I'm comfortable really once you step out from that, ask yourself, what is that like my purpose? What I really wanted to do with my life? Am I really doing a nice full potential? Am I just doing it to put a checkmark on every single box? Two types of games that people play, Prakash. One type of game is playing not to lose and the second type of game is playing to win. If you are like me, I used to love cricket when I was younger. I never played cricket in the past like maybe 25 years, but I still have cricket is like maybe one of the sport I enjoyed thoroughly and also I did not watch too many matches also in the past 20 years. Are you playing the game not to lose? Just think about it, how that match is going to be. Everybody's going to be just trying to be there versus are you playing the game to win? Think about your health, think about your finances, think about your career, think about your relationship especially, which is like a backbone for everything, what you're doing, what kind of relationship that you have with your parents. That's one of the things I've been really, really seeing that especially living in US. A lot of people from India who comes here and they don't have any strong relationship with the parents. Yeah. So why don't you just invest a little bit more when you are younger, your parents celebrated your birthdays. I know some of your listeners are from India. Most of them may be. Ask yourself how many times that you celebrated your parents birthday? Is this your priority? Don't just cry when they are gone. Enjoy every single year. Spend some time. Don't take your baggage, don't take your partner, don't take your kids, don't take all the work to them. You go and give yourself as a gift. Mom, dad really wanted to spend some time during this birthday and they just talk to them from your heart. Ask them what's going on and you get more clarity after those two days because they are ready to give you so much. Most of the time we are like a closed cups. When we go to our parents, you always say, hey, I got like seven meetings today, I need this for lunch, I need this for breakfast. Are you going for a restaurant or what? Going for your parents place. Just check out all the things in your trunk, put it outside in the parking lot and go as a human being and spend. I think that's the magic that you can create. And also it's going to be a good memory for you, all the listeners, wow, that's amazing. And what you have shared and it literally pushed me also to just go to my hometown and just meet my parents and thanks for that and I'll definitely do it. But you just talk about that. We have to balance our parents and relationship and then health. So is there any mantra or something that we can balance out everything or I put it another way, so how to manage our time so that we are balancing everything in this 24 hours? Sure. There is nothing called time management package which is just I think maybe a term that overused. I would say there is nothing called time management. The reason behind we cannot manage time, whatever that you are doing, you cannot control the time. The time will just goes by. You cannot go back and get anything. What we can manage is manage your attention and also manage your energy. So always think about it. We all have 24 hours. A president of a company who's making like decisions for billions of people and also a corporate employee who's working 40 hours a week all got same 24 hours. The question that we can do is what kind of attention that I am taking it to this day, what is my priority, what is my focus right now? That is something that you can manage. And the second question is what kind of energy that I'm bringing it here. For example, you and I are talking, let's imagine Rakish, you bring the energy like Wamzi. Today we are going to have this podcast. I hope like some listeners will listen versus how you showed up. You showed up like an energy scale of one to ten. You showed up at ten, right? So this energy is something that you can manage. I'm not just talking about when you are talking to your boss. Think about what energy that you can carry when you're talking to your kids, what attention that you can carry when you're talking to your partner, what attention that you are carrying when you're talking with like maybe your neighbors. So you can control your attention and also you can control your energy. If you use these both, I think you'll be amazing at every single day, every single hour. You don't have to manage time. You don't have to manage something that we cannot control. Wow, that's amazing. And I got to know this new concept of managing attention and energy and both I become more curious. But how to do it means is there any way, is there any framework or is there any tool which you use in your life? Absolutely. This is something I learned from one of my mentor and he learned from his dad. So every single night before you go into bed just to spend five minutes, write down what are the three wins for today and write down what are the three wins for tomorrow. So you are programming your tomorrow today you're writing it down. These are three wins for tomorrow. So based on the three wins, you know what kind of attention that you need to take it to the next day and what kind of energy that you need to have every day. We are going to. Have maybe ten different meetings, and out of ten, maybe one or two are really, really important for you. You need to prepare for those things. Like, it takes like, five minutes. What kind of outcome that I would like to have from this meeting? What kind of impact that I wanted to have? So go for outcomes, know, what is that you want to get out from that? 90% of the people, they just go and say, let it they're not going with, this is something that I wanted to achieve by the time I complete this meeting. It could be a work related meeting. It could be a meeting related to your business or maybe your personal meeting. You're talking to your dad, maybe you're talking to your grandmother. What is the outcome that you wanted to have? You wanted to empower your grandma? Hey, I think you and I are going to have this conversation ten years from now. Don't think that you're old. So if that is something that I had something recently. My grandma is 93 years old, so every time I go there, I just give her two, three years more life. And she's always like, yeah, we're going to have this conversation two years from now. So unconsciously, she's preparing for that. Right. So that is the outcome exactly I want from that particular meeting. So the moment you know your intention, this is what you want it to, you are automatically your attention goes there and you know what kind of energy that you need to set there. Wow, that's great. And from here, I remember I don't do it regularly, but it's always in my mind that just before dinner, I used to think that what good things happened today? So just before dinner, just starting my first bite. So I think that what good thing has happened today. So that brings up some gratitude and some sort of calmness that, yeah, these two, three things have happened today. And from that incident that your grandmother, you are told that two years down the line, we also have a tower. So this reminded me that famous Victor Frankel's book, man searched for meaning. So during that concentration camp, he was there for three years, but all the way daily. What he was thinking is that after this concentration camp, I will meet my wife. And that purpose gave him hope. And in that concentration camp, there were people who were more muscular than him, and there was more powerful physically, but they were not having purpose. Victor Frankel was having purpose that after this concentration camp, I will meet my wife. So that reminded me from this incident that absolutely that's a really good book. Lot of takeaways. I think every time when I read that book, I get a different message. Very powerful. It's all about, like, how we are seeing the world, right? Even if you're reading Nelson Mandela's biography, you experience the same thing. He was there for almost 2027 years in the jail in South Africa with really tough conditions. And he always saw the outcome, he did not see the current circumstances. I have not read Nestle Mandela's autobiograph, but I will definitely do. And I also read Man Search for Meaning maybe three or four times and it always gave us a new perspective and something to think about life. Absolutely. Wow, great. Let's take it forward and let's discuss about your main mantra of your company. Make more leaders that you will help leaders to achieve the goals of ten years into twelve months. So what is that and how that means, how you are helping people to do that? It's not like a mantra. It's a system that I created over the times. First identify what exactly that they want in their life. And the very first thing that I help them to do is like alignment. Is this something that you really wanted to do? A lot of times rakheed people select few things based on oh, my neighbor is doing that, so I should be doing this too. Or maybe my cousin is doing that, I should be doing that. They are just doing it because sake of doing it. And is this really aligned? Is this really like you wanted to do? Because making money, if somebody is doing something just to make money, it's not going to be sustainable in the long term. They need to have little more deeper purpose there. So the moment somebody identifies this is my purpose and they are going to be going extra mile motivation. If something can only help you to go from zero to one, from one to 99, they need to have those systems. So I help them to create the systems that they can use. Because I spent like 1st 2025 years of my life creating systems for software companies and healthcare companies. And that's where like, I spent majority of my time and I know the power of systems and I help people to create their own systems, own rituals, because everybody is different. Some people there's trends on one area, some people strength on like a different area. So identify what are the strengths that they have and create everything around that. And also always like it's a connection. You cannot say, okay, next 25 years I'm going to be doing this because things will be changing. A lot of things like coming to your way. I created a simple system. Again, this is not by me. I learned from many mentors in this journey. It's called a six week cycle system. So what we do is we identify three goals for the six week cycle. And once we identify those three goals, we go all in with those three goals for the six week cycle. Once the six week cycle is over, we know what is the definition of done for each goal. By end of six weeks cycle, it could be you starting a podcast it could be you writing a book or maybe you applying for a senior executive job, whatever that is. You are going to be defining the definition of done for that particular goal. And in the six weeks we go all in, after six weeks you're going to be taking one week completely off. There's nothing there. We just enjoy that success. And the next week we are thinking about we are again, like not doing anything. We are thinking about the next six week cycle. So six weeks full work, two weeks slow down again, six weeks. So we go in these iterations and a lot of people that I help with, they do a lot of work in the six weeks than many people they do in the entire year. Because this is going back to my concept. Like there is nothing called time management. Are you managing your attention? Are you managing your energy? I help them to manage both and have created some tools and they use those tools to get clarity about what they wanted to be doing on that particular day, on that particular week, and on that particular six week cycle. And they're going to be start saying no to the other things because a lot of times we get distracted by shiny things. That's the reason why most of us are not achieving what we want. And they also say, okay, I'm not going to be distracted. And yeah, that's the process. Okay, yeah, that's amazing. That system actually we are having a good systems for corporate, for entrepreneurship, but we are not having systems for self. And that goes through habits and through practice. That's another thing. So from here let's discuss about if someone is working in a corporate and working nine to five or he or she is having some business. So how to get the fulfillment out of career? Sometimes we are working in a corporate, but just we are completing the task or to do list. But that fulfillment sometimes doesn't come and the process of career transformation starts from there. So how to get the fulfillment? Absolutely. It's a very important topic. I'm glad that you're asking this rakesh. Success without fulfillment is ultimate failure. Success without fulfillment, it's ultimate failure. It doesn't matter whether you become the top in the industry. You become like number one in the field. If you are not full inside, you feel empty. Which is exactly what is happening in the corporate world because they are spinning on one wheel. Let's imagine what is your favorite car? Okay, my favorite car right now is this BMW. BMW, okay, awesome. So let's imagine like you got brand new BMW X seven, okay. And the car got four wheels, right? So driver side front wheel, passenger side front wheel and driver side rear wheel and the passenger side rear wheel. So let's say driver's side front wheel is your carrier and that wheel is spinning at 100 miles an hour speed and passenger side front wheel is your health and fitness. That wheel is not a circle, which is a triangle. And the back rear side, the wheel on the driver's side is your relationship. Relationship with your family, relationship with yourself, relationship with your parents, maybe relationship with your network. That is a square. And the final wheel is your spirituality, which is a smaller circle. Just imagine. This is a brand new BMW X Seven. You paid like maybe $100,000 to get that car. But if you have wheels like that, how long you wanted to be sitting on that car? Not too long, right? And think about how long your family members would like to sit on this car. Yeah, definitely not. Even though it's a brand new car, even though it's got like all the bells and whistles, they want to get out from that car as soon as possible. So when you are thinking about fulfillment, you need to start thinking about what is something that you are putting too much focus on and ignoring other areas first. Do a quick audit on this. It's not just like a rocket science. I'm going to be fulfilled when I get like maybe $100,000 bonus. No, you will get happiness when you get $100,000 bonus, but that happiness is not going to be there after one week. You are going to be exactly in the same position because you have so many holes on your bucket, everything is leaking from that side. So that is the reason you need to always have that audit and ask yourself, like, what is the area that I think I'm losing all these things? If you take a baby, newborn baby, just maybe six months, nine months old, the baby is always fulfilled. That's I think as a clear example. We put like so many things on so many sides and that's draining our happiness. Wow, that's great. And it's always a pleasure to talk to you and it's always pleasure to have some analogies with the leadership and the life and fulfillment. So I am always enjoying this. Absolutely. So wamsi, let's take it forward. And we are almost at the end of our podcast and we have talked about present, past, so let's talk about something future. So maybe in maybe five years, ten years, 15 years down the line if you are writing your autobiography. So what title would you give to your autobiography? Good question. This is something that I always ask myself. Did I live today fully? Did I love my life? Did I love what I'm doing? And did I really like matter to someone? So those three questions I think like I always ask and that's something will help me always like ground myself and share with who am I truly with the world. Wow, that's great. Thank you for sharing. So authentically and generally. So this is my last question and I asked to all my guests. So I'm a firm believer that miracles do happen and sitting here and you are sitting at other parts of the world and we are recording a podcast. It is some sort of miracles for my life. So the question is that I'm just taking you into your future and into one year or two years. So what one thing that can happen in your life? And you will feel that miracles do happen. Sure, we are meant to experience miracles in our life. Just before I answer that question, when I look back every single year, every single month in my past life, it happened to me. So the same way I'm experiencing, I'm pretty sure it's going to be happening for me as well in the future. We meant to create all the miracles in this world. Yes. Thank you. Thank you Wamsi. And it's always a pleasure to listen to you listen to your content. Thank you very much for coming to the show on let's Talk Clarity and we had amazing, deep conversation and I took a lot of learnings from this episode. So thank you Wamsi for coming to the show. Absolutely, Rakesh. So good. Thank you for listening to let's talk clarity with Rakesh. Please subscribe or follow this podcast on your preferred platform so that you don't miss any important episodes. Have clarity, listen clarity and let's stalk platerty. Let's talk plattery.