Let's Talk Clarity

Clarity Talk with Indu Seth - EP53

December 10, 2022 Indu Seth Season 1 Episode 53

If you are shifting from Successful Business to Coaching, this episode is for you.

Clarity Talk with Indu Seth, Life coach, Healer, Therapist, Stained Glass Artist.

She has transformed her career from a successful business of stained glass to a Coach, Healer, Therapist. Her business was running very smoothly, she was having orders for months, but she chose to shut the business and take the path of a coach, healer & therapist. We will dive deeper into this journey. 

She has an amazing calm & composed personality, she holds the coaching space so effortlessly. 

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Instagram Profile - Indu Seth

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Life is beautiful. Despite the highs and lows, the griefs and joys, learnings and experiences, no matter what, life is beautiful. Each and every day is worth living. And one should live it to the fullest with no regrets. Peace is very subjective. For you, peace could be anything. For me, peace is a deep sense of satisfaction. So if you are doing whatever you are doing with your 100% attention and you're enjoying what you are doing, I think that is peace. The thing to be told is to the parents is to respect their children's voice and voice, okay? What they have to say, respect. What they have to say, respect if they say, I don't like this, respect if they say I would do this and then do that, respect if they have a certain choice. So when you start respecting their choices from the very beginning, they will become very good coaches because they will have that confidence. Yes, what I am doing is right. Welcome to another episode of let's Talk Clarity podcast. Today we have a coach healer, therapist, stained glass artist induced with us. She has transformed her career from a successful business of trained class to a coach healer therapist. Her business was running very smoothly. She was having orders for months. But still she chose to shut the business and take the path of coach, healer and therapist. We will dive deeper into this journey. She has an amazing, calm and composed personality. She holds the coaching space so effortlessly. In this episode, we discussed the career transformation from entrepreneurship to a coach and healer. What was her journey? Who helped her, how easy or difficult it was? Then we discussed how to manage time and how to get life fulfillment while doing any job or entrepreneurship or coaching. This conversation went very deep and insightful. I learned a turn from it. Hence, please take out your pen and paper, take notes, and implement some of the important learnings into your life. So without further weight, let's jump straight into the conversation. Hello, everyone. This is Rakesh, your coach, author, speaker, and career transformation expert. Welcome to my podcast. Let's talk clarity. Let's Talk Clarity, in which we discuss about career transformation, productivity and life fulfillment. Let's start the episode and talk clarity. Welcome to another episode of let's Talk Clarity podcast. This is a special episode where I am in conversation with one of my closest friends who is a healer, therapist, coach, and who is having such a sweet voice, such a swarm personality. And I met her at an event three years back and from there on we continued the connections and we meet each other and we are supporting each other in our coaching journey. Indu, welcome to the show. Thank you, Rakesh, for such kind words. Indu, this podcast is about career transformation, productivity, time management and life fulfillment. I can see your career. You have changed so many careers. You are running a successful business and then you just shut that business and jump into the coaching healing therapist journey. So why you shut the business and what drives you to do that? I had a stained glass business. We were the master franchisees of a USA based company that was stained glass overlay. And I ran the business for around 15 years. 15 years? Yeah, that's right. So I ran the business for 15 years. But since the very beginning of the business, there was this constant nagging feeling in my head that this is not what I meant to do. There is something else that I wanted to do and I didn't know what. I was constantly unhappy. Getting up in the morning and going for work seemed like a chore. It was stressful. My body showed signs that I was unhappy. So I don't know when I realized that this is not what I meant to do. The process of switching started, but since the business was established and there were so many things to be taken care of and yeah, you do need that kind of jump from one place to another. It needs a lot of guts to do that. So it took me a while to shut it down, to sell it off. So it was a process in itself. So how was the transformation? Because transformation is always a messy thing and it needs a lot of time, energy, and you have to convince your relationship, family, how that has happened. That's right, Rakheesh. But I have read it somewhere that beginnings are always messy. Out of chaos there is creation. Great. Wow. So, yes, messi. I am a mother as well, so I can say that messy kitchen is the happiest kitchen. So, yes, transition wasn't easy. It was messy. Yes, of course it was messy, but the result was satisfying. So no regrets on that. Great. Great. So the kitchen is always messy. If the kitchen is messy, that means that some good cooking is going on and something yummy is being cooked in the kitchen. So I will make my wife listen to this podcast. Sure. Let's discuss about what you are doing right now. You did a lot of certifications. You did Reiki, you did EFT, you did NLP, and I just forgot the names, what all you have done. So it all comes down to transformation, rakesh and your intention when you meet a person? I do a lot of one on one coaching, I do workshops, I do trainings. But if I see a smile on a person's face, it makes my day. So that's what keeps me going. So the smile on the face of the clients or customers that kept you going? Yes. And if I ask you, you switched career, how long back you started switching? It been down eight, nine years. Eight, nine years. Okay. And what are the top three high moments of last eight, nine years of this journey? There have been many rakesh okay. There have been many, but I am particularly attached to young adults. So there was this 117 year old boy, he was in class twelve, and when he came to me first time, he was crying. To see a 17 year old boy cry is heartbreaking. So he had a lot of unfortunate events in the school. Children these days are not, I would say, like we were simple. The life is complicated these days for children. So there were a lot of unfortunate events in school and he was rather ashamed of himself. And the situation at home was also not great. And the mother was worried that he will not pass last. Well, so study was not a concern for me at that point of time, because I think emotional health is more important than career. If your emotional health is stable, then of course you can do anything in life. So I worked with that child, worked on his self esteem try. And I worked with him to move past his past experiences and work on his self image. Okay. So session after session he got better and then I forgot about him. His exams were due. Then suddenly the mother called me on the day of the result and she was smiling and she said the boy had passed. And not just passed, he had passed with good marks. So I felt so good. I can't even tell you that feeling is I can't explain that feeling. Great. Any other highs? Yeah, so as I tell you, I'll remember one or two of them. So there was a girl who came to me and the first time I met her, she won't believe that she would not lift her eyes. She had had mishaps in the family. Not just one or two, but many. Okay. So when she came to me, she could not lift her head up. And she was a student in college, maybe second year. Yes. So I worked with her. She loved me so much that she wrote a poem for me. Oh, my goodness. I showed that poem to my own daughter and she said, Mom, I'm proud of you. So that was even a better high for me. Great. It's just amazing to see that someone is writing poem on the process. Yes. Wow. Great. So from here, what I can see is nowadays kids are having a lot of pressure about marks and about like also they want to have likes on social media. Absolutely. So the times are changing and there are a lot of pressure on these lines. Yes. So if someone is just passing his 12th or college and he or she wants to start a coaching business, what advice do you give to him or her? See, we all are coaches in our own sense. Okay. I was the youngest in the family. Rakesh and my father used to call me I was the youngest in the family. So the by coaching journey began at that time because my parents appreciated my advice. The thing to be told is to the parents is to respect their children's voice and wise. Okay? Yes. What they have to say, respect. What they have to say. Respect if they if they say, I don't like this, respect if they say I would do this and then do that. Respect if they have a certain choice. So when you start respecting their choices, from the very beginning, they will become very good coaches because they will have that confidence. Yes. What I am doing is right. And from here I can see that they are heard, they get attention and they get some validation. That absolutely. Validation is the word that I am saying. Yes, yes. And the feeling that their advice matters. Yes, that's right. They matter. They also matter. They matter. They have to know that because they matter. For every parent, a child matters. But they should also be told that your opinion matters. Okay, great. So let's take it forward the discussion and let's little bit discuss about what are your support system means. The transformation is difficult, messy. So who are there to support you in this journey? I would say my whole family. Rakesh I'm actually blessed to have a family who never questioned me when we started, me and my husband, because he knew that I was an artist. So he helped me establish that business. And then he backed out and started doing his own thing. He left it all on me. At that time, he also supported me, my passion. And then when I told him that I want to quit, even then he supported me. There was a lot going on. It was a big company. Yet he says, okay, if that is what you wish, he supported me. The whole family supported me. Okay, so how big was the business? When you just left? You are getting orders or people are coming and you have to put them on hold that it is waiting or like that. Yes. There were times where I had a one month waiting as well for the deliveries. I had several people working for me. Of course, when there is a business, there are a lot of people connected to you. Yes. And telling them that I'm going to shut this business off is hard. And you won't believe. Rakesh even today I get calls that you are in glass business. And I say, wrong number. And it gives me such a pleasure to say that. But then you can see that if you want to clarity like glass, you can come in your life, you can come to me. Right. I introduce you with a therapist, healer and energy healer. And what best suits you right now. Mince, what you want to call yourself right now? A confidant? A counselor? A friend. That was a good one. A friend. Coach friend. Yes. Because I think every person, every person is looking for one person to just listen to what they have to say. Just listen. People don't listen. They just blabber and go. They just say what they have to say, but they don't really listen. Every person, I think, is looking for one person to just listen to what they have to say. So I would say a friend. Wow, great. So from here I could gather that listening is something which everyone needs and which everyone lack. So how to go about it means how to listen to people and how to maneuver this thing of listening. Because when you say that everyone wants someone to listen, I was also thinking in my mind that where I'm going to and the sharing my things. So how to master the skill of listening, since I like to talk a lot, rakesh. But then I read it somewhere and everybody knows it, that we have two ears and one mouth. Yes. This is for a reason, okay. That we have to listen more and speak less, speak only when it is required, okay? I would not go to any party and just start giving lectures over there. I will only tell when a person asks me, okay, I need your help, can I come sometime? And I say, yeah, sure. Come to me whenever you are comfortable. And we'll sit and talk. So from here I could gather that listening is quite important. And there has to be a confidence among the two people. There has to be trust between the people to listen. And if someone is having something in their mind means even I am having. So how one can find someone who can listen or how to find that person and how to go about it, or we can catch hold of any old friend, family member. What is the process? Because actually this process of listening is going on in my mind from a lot of time. And whoever client which I'm serving, everyone wants some ear to listen. Yes. So that's why I'm asking you again and again about listening. See, you can't open your heart to someone if a person is judgmental. That is why people are afraid of telling their story to everybody. So you have to find a person. You have to meet that person first. And if you feel safe with that person, if you feel that the person is not judging you, then that's the right person. The person has to be non judgmental. If I'm talking to you, if a client walks in and my space is totally non judgmental, the client will open up to me immediately. Okay? So I have to create that space where the client feels really confident in sharing the person's life story. Because in the person's head it's huge. It's big. Lot of baggage. Yes. And to share that baggage, a person has to find one person who's nonjudgmental and who the person can trust. So from here I could gather that in my office and with my friends. This one technique I started to do is that I was sharing more. I started to share more with the people, with friends and office colleagues. And then somehow the gate started to open from the other person also. So I'm just sharing that it worked for me. Some point of time. No, it's a great way to start rakesh. Yes, really, it is. When you are vulnerable, the other person will be vulnerable to you. So that's a great way. Great way. great. So let's take it for this discussion. So our podcast is about productivity and time management. So how you manage your time and because you do a lot of things and the family, we have to balance and then we have to go to events we have to manage. So is there any tool, technique or what you use for managing all this? I think there are four aspects to life and none of them can be ignored. One is relationships. Relationships, health, career and growth. Growth. Growth or purpose. Wow. None of them can be ignored. I really love the fourth one. Yeah. You know what? At every age, the demand is different. So you have to prioritize what is it that is your top priority. Accordingly, you allocate time to that. When my children were young, they were my highest priority. So I gave them the maximum time. Our priorities change with time. So only thing you have to do is to prioritize that. Right now. What is my number one priority? And when you prioritize things, then you can manage time easily. Planning and everything becomes easy. That is secondary. First thing is prioritizing. Prioritizing. So what do you do? Whether you note down on a diary or how you manage your time? That is really important because you are wearing so many hats and still managing the show. So I gather that now I think purpose is of utmost importance to me. Okay. Health and purpose. Health and purpose? Yes. Because life without purpose is like stagnant water. Stagnant water breeds unwanted things. Foul smell. Yes. By unwanted things, I mean unwanted thoughts in your mind. So there has to be some learning, some purpose to keep your life going so that the life is flowing. So from here, I started to become curious about the purpose. So how one can find the purpose? And is there any framework or is there any step by step process where one can find a purpose or at least start the process of finding the purpose? So, according to me, purpose should be bigger than you. Purpose should be something which is bigger than me. Okay. For example, it's a very small thing. If you help someone, the person feels happy. But I think you yourself feel more happy. Totally agree. So that was bigger than me, right? Yes. So the purpose has to be bigger than you. It's not that everybody can become a scientist and change the word, not everybody can be a politician and change the word. But we can find purpose in whatever we are doing. So no job is small. No job is big. Even if you're working in a company, you can ask yourself why I am in this company? What is my purpose? So again, the purpose changes with time. So is your purpose. Financial independence is your purpose. Honing your skills is your purpose. Gaining more knowledge is your purpose for being in that company is that it will be good on your CV? It could be anything. If that purpose is being fulfilled at that point of time, then you should focus on how to make myself better. Wherever I am, whatever you are doing, how can I do it in a better way? Better way? Yes. Bettering day by day. And it is always about you versus yesterday. You absolutely rakesh. It is always me versus me. Yesterday I've been giving my 100% in whatever I'm doing great, I can't give my 99%. It has to be 100%. So if someone is finding purpose and all those things is happening but sometimes for us, the purpose or happiness or fulfillment comes from seeing the client, their smile and all those things. However, if someone is working in a corporate he's only he or she only checking the numbers and sales and all those things, how to get that purpose or fulfillment in a corporate job. Yes, absolutely. First and foremost thing again I said was that to ask if I am in this company, why I am in this company. Okay? Why has to be there? What is my purpose right now to be in this company? And yes, if that short term purpose is being fulfilled, then now how to get see, think positive things about what you are doing. Okay? You have to find positive things in whatever you are doing. If it is fulfilling your purpose, then it has to be positive. Then list down the positives. Positives? Yes. Then talk to the colleagues how this company is helping giving jobs to so many people. How is this company helping our economy grow? How is this company helping in our environment? So these are small things which you can discuss with your colleagues to give a sense of purpose to what you're doing. Great. And then you can start by helping a junior learn something new. Taking someone else's load if someone is struggling. Okay, I will do something for you. So these are the small things which you can do. You can do certain things in your own community for that matter. So there are so many things. If you think, yes, I am meant to be here, why not make it better? Make it better. Wow. This I really loved it. Thank you. So let's take it forward and discuss about your venture and why this name? Why peace within? To be honest target, when I was working, I had everything. But there was no peace oh my goodness. There was no peace. Okay? And at that time I realized that I would give my right arm for that peace. Oh my goodness. Great. Even if I was waiting in the car, I would just close my eyes for five minutes and meditate to get some peace in my life. And from there, when I started this journey, I named it Peace Within because it was always within me and I was trying to look it outside, it was always within me. So how can I find that peace? And what is the guideline or process for me or anyone else? If someone is working nine to five and how to get more peace, or whether he or she has to done something away from routine work to find peace within, or there has to be some fixed things which he or she should do to find peace within. See, I realized it after many years that if I am doing anything with my 100% attention and awareness, that thing becomes meditation. People ask me, do I sit and meditate for a long, long time? No, I don't. But whatever I'm doing, if I'm giving my 100% and my intention is good, if my intention is good, I think that becomes a prayer. So whatever you are doing, if you are giving you 100%, then that becomes your peace. Because you have given your 100% to that. And peace is very subjective for you, peace could be anything. For me, peace is a deep sense of satisfaction. So if you are doing whatever you are doing with your 100% attention and you're enjoying what you are doing, I think that is peace. So means from here I could gather that recording this podcast is a piece within me for me. Awesome, Rakesh. That is great. And I just wanted to share, I don't want to brag, but in the morning I was having fever and I took medicine and I recorded two episodes. This is the second one. Wow. So I don't know how this is driving me, but I cannot resist myself and it is pulling me. You can say it is my calling or whatever because this is your purpose. because you are going with the flow. Going with the flow? Yes, because you're going with the flow. You're not resisting anything. If there's a calling, you're just following your calling. Not many people get to do that, rakesh, trust me on this. Wow. There was a great compliment and sitting here and I'm talking to you, recording this podcast, there's no body ache. Before this studio I was having and now it is all gone. Wow, Rakesh. Awesome. That's great. This is how your passion transforms you. And it was raining today and it was difficult to reach and I was about to say you that let's do it later, or because it was raining and I was worried for you also because there was a lot of waterlogging and a lot of things were happening. But then I thought that let's do it. That's what passion is. Then you've answered your own question. Great. So let's take it forward and this discussion and we have talked many things about the past and the present. So let's discuss about the future. So what are your new projects? Or what is peace within the future and what are your future plans? I just live by the day. Great. I enjoy what I am doing. Frankly, I don't plan much. But what I have in my mind is because I think Rakesh, the younger generation these days needs a lot of help because there are a lot of issues going on in their lives, be it emotional beat career wise. There is a lot of pressure career wise as well. And the social media adds on a lot of pressure on them, which many of them don't realize. And relationship issues are a lot more than what we used to have in our times. So my target would be young generation between I would say 16 to 25, 35. They're about to search their careers and the transformation in them is magical. They understand the situation well and a lot of emotional issues. And they don't know how to balance their emotions. That's the sad part. They don't know where to go. Yes, they don't know they want to work, but they can't balance their work and emotions at the same time. It's hard for them to balance. So that is where I think all coaches should be working more. Wow. So from here I could just started to become curious about future and the peace within. So let's discuss about something. I had a belief that miracles do happen. And sitting here recording a podcast with you is a miracle for me. Wow. Thank you. If I see myself and my past, these are things which I do is sort of miracle for you. What is miracle can happen moment. If you see yourself in one year and that one thing can happen and you will say that miracles do happen. Rakesh, I think I'm sitting here right now is a miracle for me as well. If I go back from where I started this journey, I am a totally different person now. If you ask people who know me from last 15 years how I have transformed, and I would not want to ask them. I can tell myself that I have transformed over these years. I had low self esteem. My body language was totally different. I'm sitting here and talking flawlessly right here. It was not the case back then. So I have transformed myself and I have transformed with my experiences and the people I have met in my journey. So I think I see myself transforming even more, learning till the time I die, living each and every day of my life, bringing a smile on people's faces, meeting people and just by meeting them, they should feel happy. That's what I feel. So that's what I envision myself doing. Great. So from here, I could take out one more important question, is that I asked all the guests and in five years or ten years, if you write your autobiography, what title would you give to your autobiography? So I like this line, life is beautiful. And I have also got a tattooed on my arm, if you can see and I truly, truly believe in itrakesh, that life is beautiful. Despite the highs and lows, the griefs and joys, learnings and experiences, no matter what, life is beautiful. Each and every day is worth living. And one should live it to the fullest with no regrets. Great. So from here I could gather that I saw a movie named Life is Beautiful. It was some, I think, Italian movie, and that movie won the Oscar. I think it's a black and white movie. Black and white. Or it is Eastman Color movie and it is based on the concentration camp during the World War II. Okay, that was such an amazing movie and I saw maybe four or five times. And it has such a deep meaning, just like it is named as Life is Beautiful. Yes. So indu. That was my last question, and we have reached to the end of our podcast and thank you so much for making for this podcast. Traveling all the way from Delhi, traveling for more than 100 minutes and reaching in such a rainy day, it's always a pleasure to see you and talk to you. Thank you. Thank you. Rakesh, you inspire me a lot in the sense that you are doing so many things at the same time. You call people, you connect with people, and I really appreciate that about you. So thanks for inviting me here. Thank you. And let's talk clarity. Let's talk clarity. Thank you for listening to let's talk clarity with Rakesh. Please subscribe or follow this podcast on your preferred platform so that you don't miss any important episodes. Have clarity, listen clarity. And let's talk clarity. Let's talk clarity.