Let's Talk Clarity

Clarity Talk with Bharti Dekate - EP52

November 18, 2022 Bharti Dekate Season 1 Episode 52

Shifting from Job to Entrepreneurship, this episode is for you. Be ready for discomfort and awesomeness, in this amazing ride of a lifetime. This episode is so deep that you would want to listen it again n again, take notes, there are tons of wisdom and knowledge bullets.

Clarity Talk with Bharte Dekate, Coach, Speaker, Master Trainer, Founder - We are ideas consulting & WorldReady.

We are ideas consulting works on organisation development in more than 15 countries, which works on Change Management, Coaching, Capability building, Gamification and Activities based trainer.

World ready is an education venture that delivers age-appropriate Life skills for 4 to 25 years of age, already helping more than 18000+ kids, Teacher & parents to be “Prepared for life”.

LinkedIn Profile - Bharti Dekate

Instagram Profile - Bharti Dekate

Email - bharti.dekate@gmail.com

World Ready email - worldready@gmail.com

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It was uncomfortable financially. I was earning way less than what I was learning as my first salary when I started off by myself, it was uncomfortable. Personally, shifting identities from who I am as a designation holder in a job on means nothing when you're an entrepreneur. I jokingly call it the fume to proprietor. You pretty much do everything. So when you're moving from a job into an entrepreneurial venture, sign up for discomfort and sign up for the awesomeness that it will unlock for you.

I will be fulfilled if I can walk back home at 05:

00. I will be fulfilled if I'm able to read a book every week. Some of these are borrowed notions of what satisfaction looks like either for a previous generation or what people around us are chasing, which are also borrowed ideas. By the way, welcome to another episode of let's Talk Clarity podcast. And this is one of the best episodes which I have recorded with someone. Yes, I recommend everyone to listen to this episode, take notes, and implement the ideas in this episode. This episode is for someone who wants to transform their career and still wants to service the community. Today we are having a special guest who is famous for her activity based trainings. Yes, she is Bharti de Carte. She is a coach, speaker, master trainer, values, and culture consultant. She is the founder of VR ideas and world. Ready. VR Ideas works on organization development in more than 15 countries, and World Ready is an education venture that delivers ageappropriate life skills for four to 45 years of age, which has already helped more than 80 kids and parents. In this episode, we discuss about career transformation, managing time while working on different ventures, and then how to get life fulfillment. Let's jump straight into the conversation. Hello everyone. This is Rakesh, your coach, author, speaker, and career transformation expert. Welcome to my podcast. Let's talk clarity. Let's Talk Clarity, in which we discuss about career transformation, productivity, and life fulfillment. Let's start the episode and talk Clarity. Hello everyone. Welcome to let's talk Clarity podcast. So today is a special episode when I'm interviewing a special person in my life who is founder and director of two companies. One is VR Ideas and another is World Ready, and she's into consulting and coaching, change management, OD, organization development, and many more things. What else she's doing, we will discuss in the later half of the podcast. But before that, let's welcome Bhati De Cate on. Let's talk priority podcast. Thank you so much, Rakesh. It's been an absolute pleasure to share this space with you. It's an honor and I'm very excited to talk to you today and see what we explore and create for ourselves. Thank you for being on the show. It's my honor and privilege to have you on my show. This podcast is about career transformation, productivity, and life fulfillment. So I can see from your LinkedIn profile that you have changed a lot of careers means you are doing a job and then converting that into a business and then starting an own nonprofit venture. So what is driving you in this whole journey? That's a very interesting question. That case, I feel very privileged to have had a great education, to have had a great support system, and I'm also a proud Indian. What drives me is a to achieve my full potential. Second, to make the country proud, and third, to use my skills in whatever way I can to make this ecosystem the place that I inhabit, a better place. Wow, that's great. So you have summarized that, but before this, let me ask you one other question. How to achieve a true potential? Interesting question. Again, I believe to achieve full potential, first you need to know your potential. Okay. It starts from a space of self awareness and once you know what you're good at and what your strengths are, then focusing on using those trends or whatever goal you have set for yourself or whatever service you want to be in. For me, it's very important to be in the service of society. And I use my strengths to improve the world, make it a better place, whatever. Be your goal, use your strengths towards that. Oh, wow, that's amazing. I could see that everyone is having a lot of potential and before achieving their potential, we should know which potential we are having. That's true. You know, Rakesh, I realize that our ecosystem is constantly telling us what we are good at. It's realistic, your ecosystem is constantly acknowledging the author in you, the speaker in you, an advisor in you. When you notice that people come to you for advice or when they ask you a certain kind of things, whatever is happening repeatedly to you is giving you a message of what you're meant to do more often than not. And if you're tuned into that possibility, it's easier to recognize not just the potential, but also tune out the noise and focus on perhaps what you're meant to do. That's great. So I remember Stephen Spielberg's famous quote that listened to the bispers the universe already know what you meant to do. Agreed? Completely. Yeah. He told in one of his talk that listen to those and it is still going in my mind. So let's take it forward, this discussion. And let me ask you that 14 years back you changed your job from a job to an entrepreneur journey. I think in today's time, five, seven years back, it is pretty easy to transform these careers. But back then it must be difficult to switch careers like this. And how was this transformation happened and what was the trigger point? I was listening to the whispers when I was in a job. Two things became very clear to me the corporate canvas, the jobs that I was playing were seeming pretty limited to me. And I would constantly find opportunities to do more. I would constantly run away to Anderman and contribute to the disaster management situation there. I would find myself in Bouche working with the earthquake survivors. I would find myself contributing to the Nepal earthquake and supporting disaster management efforts there. I would find myself teaching people in the underprivileged group. I would also share people telling me what's you should do. Consulting. You have a natural ability to structure things and see what others can't see. But what and I responded to those with first. That's how consulting started for me. I left the corporate world to do consulting in a consulting firm. And eventually that transformed into setting up this particular practice where I wanted to focus on organization development and I wanted to be in service of growth agendas of not just individuals but also teams and also organizations. Wow, that's great. So Listening Whisper is again important tools in growth. And how is the transformation? Because I find it messy. Transformation is always messy. That's what I'm going through. So how is that? You're right. Transformation is very uncomfortable. The prerequisite of signing up for a career change, personal change, comes with a subtext of this is going to be uncomfortable. It was very uncomfortable. It was uncomfortable financially. I was earning way less than what I was earning as my first salary when I started off by myself. It was uncomfortable. Personally shifting identities from who I am as a designation holder in a job means nothing when you're an entrepreneur. I jokingly call it the tune to proprietor. You pretty much do everything. Yes. When you're your own boss and you your own employee, you can see the best and the worst of the work environment. So financial discomfort, personal discomfort, work related discomfort when I transitioned from a job into starting my own venture, business model, what you want to do, all of that aside, what is it really that you're good at? What is it that people are willing to place their bets on so that you can deliver and deliver really well? What change are you bringing into the world? All of those are tough answers to find. Worthy answers, but tough ones. Tough ones. So a lot of discomfort. I was blessed to have lots of support. Support in social connections, support by way of family. My family is more ambitious for me than I am for myself, which is always very helpful. Great. And it also meant that I had to constantly upgrade myself. I had to constantly meet myself to see where I'm lacking. What I do not have is skills and constantly plug gaps. For example, I learned to be a professional. I had not learned how to run a business. So a very, very keen length from self to go into what you need to do and what you must do is also a part of the discomfort. So when you're moving from a job into an entrepreneurial venture, sign up for discomfort and sign up for the awesomeness that it will unlock for you. Wow, that's great. So discomfort and awesomeness. Sign up both of them. Great. So let's discuss about how you manage your job and entrepreneurship and then family, how you are managing the time and focus means everyone needs time. Every relationship needs time, and even friends need your time, and it needed also. So how you are managing time in this whole scenario? Takisha I think time is a great level. Everybody has 24 hours. Great. Yeah. How you manage those 24 hours is a function of clarity on what you want to do. If you operate with clarity of what are your non negotiable. For me, growing myself, focusing on my family, particularly my son, because nobody else can do that. Being available to him, being alive to his people, growing myself and my business, upping my skills so that whatever I do is absolutely best in class. Some of these are my priorities. And rest everything is delegatable. Rest everything. I practice guilt free, shameless delegation. It is a matter of choice package, very, very intentional choice on what you want to do in those 24 hours. And for me, balance does not just come from the work that I do. For me, balance comes from spending ample amounts of family time, lots of leisure. I travel quite a bit. I take at least seven holidays in a year. Great, great reading. Enhancing my repertoire of skills and concepts, going out in the discomfort zone to see what life looks beyond my safe nestled bubble that I've created for myself. For me, all of this is important. And finding time for all of this comes from very clearly knowing what your nonnegotiables are. So from here I could see that if the purpose is clear, so everything else can be dotted out on plant. Well, how to find the purpose in life? This is a very tricky question. I have heard arguments, responses to this that range from purposes or myths and an overrated construct to purpose is transient and a moving target. Yeah, a moving target with changes, with stages, new information that life throws at you, challenges that come your way to a very spiritual version of you already have a purpose. You don't know it yet. How to no purpose. My team does work with some of the finest organizations in the country today, where we work with organization systems to Isaaculate purpose as an individual team and an organization. Okay. And the beauty of purpose is it is so personalized. The articulation of it and the knowledge of it is so personalized using simple structures. For example, what are your strengths? What do you want to or aspire to do in the world? If you were to teach something, what would be one thing that you will teach others? What does your idea of balance look like? What is the legacy you want to leave behind? How do you want to contribute to the world. Some of these elements, if you put them together, shake it really well, it's surprisingly simple to articulate what do I want to do and why I want to do it? There's a little science and formula behind it. Sure. Great. Great. Yeah. Wow. This I really love it. So first I have to find my strength and how the world is working and what is my role in this whole camera top word? It does call for canceling out a lot of noise. Once you do that, whether you subscribe to the version of purpose doesn't exist or it's transient, or life already has a purpose carved out for you, you'll find some articulation, and it's a worthy articulation from this life for however long it took you. So from this, I became more curious. So this answer that. How to reduce the noise listening. You have a wonderful network of coaches who are experts at listening, and so are you. This podcast is a testimony to that. I practice loud listening and quietly in. Great. Wow, this is interesting. Quiet listening is about sitting with yourself and being alive to what your body, what your image of ecosystem is. Informally, get constant against it. Tune in by whichever method works for you. For some people, it's music. For some people, it's watching movies. For some people it's and for some people it's singing, meditation, different things. Whatever helps you tune to your body can enable quiet listening. For the purpose of what's happening to me, how am I processing this information? What's creating comfort or discomfort? Quiet listening. Choose your own team. Loud listening is when you want to challenge and listen to what is not easily accessible to you. We are ridden with our own biases. At any point in time, the human brain is bombarded with up to 99,000 bites of information, and we are able to process only .001% of it. And therefore, we are all working with mental models that serve us. But also limit. Loud listening are practices where you catch yourself operating from a small canvas or a small box and you say, wait a minute, that is you're saying something else. I could be completely wrong. I want you to tell me what I'm not thinking about. I'm noticing that I'm being very rigid about it. I want you to challenge the way I'm thinking about this. I'm feeling uncomfortable about this. I want you to tell me what I'm not seeing right now. Overall, these are practices of cloud listening which enable you to make the most of your ecosystem, whether you're working in a team or whether you're in a family system right now or you're running your own business. What it also does is it enables you to tune to external signals. So how do you cancel out noise? Listen to yourself. Whatever practice works for you. Quiet listening. Loud listening ask people to give you information that you're not able to access. Let's take it forward and discuss about what are your top three highs of your career? Oh, that's an interesting one for me. All the highs in my life and this is a part of my quiet listening. My highs have been when I've been able to contribute to society. That's also my career anchor. Everything that I do I find meaning if it made the world a better place. So my highest has been when cumulatively. By way of World Ready, my team has been able to teach cyber safety practices, share wisdom with teachers, students, parents, school systems on how to manage cyber engagement and be safe, not afraid. Let's say. My other high was in 2004, way back after the tsunami had hit Bandha K. There was significant amount of destruction that happened in the ander Mane and southern part of India. I was there on the field and I had a little role to play in raising a million dollars and also using deploying those monies towards Sri Lanka, Chennai. What I really loved was working with one of the urban development charities to rebuild the Hut Bay Island so small island which was completely destroyed and rebuilding all shelters, all living spaces with local materials in tune with the ecosystem and ecology of that particular island. That particular thing is very close to my heart. Another high has been this is a corporate example where a client came to us with the challenge of getting their next million users and creating a culture that will support the next million users. They had a timeframe of about twelve months in mind. We were able to make it happen in six months time. And it went on to become a significant study which was talked about in the founder owner circles. Seeing my son being the person that he is, every time he has an achievement, every time he writes a script that gets produced, he creates a roller coaster that he's proud of or he's creating a film that gets screamed on the national stage. Whenever I see any of these little achievements, it makes me look up and count my blessings. All of these are my highs. Great. So there are a lot of things which are highs which depends on giving back to society service. So what is this World Ready and how it works? And I was not able to understand by your profile. So what is World already it has piqued your interest. World Ready. I started this with the idea of responding to body safety and cyber safety challenges that children, parents and also school systems were grappling with. It's been a while since I started it's about ten years back. And all of this work was in response to how I was teaching my son. My son, when he started going to school, I realized that there was significant exposure and he is very safety security conscious. And he started asking me questions on how can he be safe and that very quickly translated into body safety. Working with body abuse, failing awareness in parents, dealing with the trepidation of leaving your child, knowing pretty well that the vulnerable age of five to twelve, that most abuse happens with male children, it's underreported with female kids. It's a significant matter of concern, given the society that we now live in, dealing with that reputation, dealing with the school's lens of how do we make sure each child is safe? Working with all of that information and done very quickly, we transitioned into cyber safety because most kids in the social circle that I live in wouldn't eat without a device in front of them. And with that sort of an introduction, it is only natural that kids transition into iPads, tablets, mobile phones, mobile devices, and that little exposure from meal time extends into all instances when the family is in a party and the child is waiting, has nothing else to do or you're in the doctor's chamber. It's almost like cyber exposure very quickly became a part of everyday life and it left us with questions of we don't know how to handle it, we don't know how to say no. When there is a sleeve page on teachers as a school system, I don't know what my response protocol is. Who do I go to, how do I take it down, who do I even talk to? Parents coming in and saying there's been a sex thing at a soul, how do I deal with it? There's been cyberbullying in school, the child is being ostracized and there's repeat abuse incidents at a social level, there is hacking issue in the school land. And all of this from a space of fear, held enough opportunities for not just the teachers, school systems, parents and also students to approach it with understanding, awareness and knowing that it can be managed and dealt with rather than say fear, because fear is a shadow. The world ready very organically grew into providing awareness modules to parents, teachers and students of different age group. We had partnerships with organizations across the world who are already creating this content. They were more than happy for us to learn it, for us to then take it to all of these schools in India, as of last year, we had touched some 180 individuals. So this work, it peaked during covidtime and we continue to have full science and clients who come to us and want to learn more. I feel very blessed that I get to contribute to this body of work and bring awareness to a significant bunch of population. I got your point means the cyber, it is new to this world and these challenges are quite new. It is happening for the first time and the COVID has exponentially increased these things. So I still remember that before COVID I was very protective to my kids and I was literally not allowing my kids to have a screen and somehow I became successful also for the last 1020 years. But COVID has just ruled my whole effort and because all the classes of my kids are happening online and I cannot detach them from screen. So that has impacted the last two years. And this year, when the kids went to school after two years, I could see the excitement to go in the physical class, so I could totally relate to these issues. And somehow, somewhere I was also dealing with this how one can approach to you for World ready or what is the best way to connect and how to start it right to us. We have a team that responds to worldwide@gmail.com and we'd be more than happy to hear what your concerns are and guide you to the right resources. We have a wealth of information now which is at our fingertips organizations across the world that have put together very interesting resources for not just children of all ages, but also for parents and school systems. Happy to connect anybody to those resources. Thank you for sharing that worldwide at Great@gmail.com great. So from here I was just starting to become more curious because you are already having a company of VR ideas and then this world already has started. So what prompted you? You have already discussed, but let's discuss about how to get the fulfillment while doing a job. Because we are building business, we are serving to the people through World Ready. But in a job it is very difficult to find fulfillment. I would challenge that. It's a myth. It's important to know what fulfillment means for you. I have heard a variety of responses which guard me against making assumptions of what fulfillment is. For somebody, fulfillment could look like writing a book. For somebody, it could mean having the time to meditate in the woods. For somebody, it means being able to spend quality time with family. And for somebody else at my home, having 2 hours of quiet time and evening, taking some time out either with your mentor or with your coach, to identify what are your parameters of fulfillment and what the fulfillment looks like is a very important first step once you know what fulfillment looks like. And if you have the benefit of the coach or a mentor who can question that idea. Because we have often borrowed ideas of fulfillment ideas. Yeah, it might look like I will be fulfilled if I earn X Claudes in a year. I will be fulfilled if I'm able to take my family on holiday two times a year. 00. I will be fulfilled if I'm able to read a book every week. Some of these are borrowed notions of what satisfaction looks like, either for a previous generation or what people around us are chasing, which are also borrowed ideas, by the way. And it takes allowance to make those mistakes. And figure for yourself.

Whether traveling is for me, whether walking back home at 05:

00 is for me, or fulfillment for me means being able to watch birds in city every Sunday morning. Finding out what fulfillment means to you then opens up very clear space to act on how to find fulfillment. Chasing a notion of fulfillment that is a borrowed idea or a fluffy cloud above your head makes it very difficult for you to be fulfilled. Wow, that was amazing. And deep insight about borrowed ideas of fulfillment. It was amazing to hear that. And I was just blown away by this idea of borrowed idea of fulfillment. So let's take it forward and we are at the end of our podcast and let's discuss about something future. So if by any chance in five years, ten years, if you are writing your autobiography, what title would you give to your autobiography? That's a very interesting question. It makes me think about what my life has been about all through my autobiography. It would be about finding wings. Finding wings. Or it would be about flying. It would say something like that. Taking flight, taking flights. Great. Something like that. Wow, that's amazing. So we have reached the the last question and this is one of my favorite questions. So I believe right from the childhood that miracles do happen. So sitting here along with you on his own call is a miracle for me. It does sound very miraculous the way we met at an event and it is beautifully unfolded into something that will be heard and be consumed by so many others. Yes. So my question is that in the next one year, what can happen to your life that you will feel that miracles do happen? Miracles do happen. I believe in miracles. I would think if miracle was to happen to me, it should be of a kind where I could be in service of not hundreds but thousands of people and that would be America. It could be an opportunity that I live for. That's amazing. That's amazing. And for that miracle to happen. All the best from my site and less top quality podcast. So Bharti, it's been amazing conversation in the last half an hour and I learned a ton from this conversation. So thank you so much for coming to the show, the show and sharing your life, your journey, so authentically and with so much. Genuinely, thank you so much. It's been an absolute pleasure. I love the questions and I love what we created in Spontaneity on this recording. Looking forward to more wisdom and clarity from you and all the very best package to you and to all the listeners who are tuning in. Thank you very much. So what is the best way to connect to you? If someone want to connect from my audience, write to me at Bharti descartes@gmail.com or reach out to me on LinkedIn. I'll be more than happy to respond to you great guys. So please note that Bharti descartes@gmail.com and ping her on LinkedIn, and she's quite responsive in that. I can vouch for that. So thank you. Thank you, Rakesh. It's been a pleasure. Thank you for listening to let's talk clarity with Rakesh. Please subscribe or follow this podcast on your preferred platform so that you don't miss any important episodes. Have clarity, listen clarity, and let's talk Clarity. Let's talk clarity.