Let's Talk Clarity

Clarity Talk with Nancy Rustagi - EP51

November 10, 2022 Nancy Rustagi Season 1 Episode 51

Clarity Talk with Nancy Rustagi, a dancer, performer, choreography.

Listen to her amazing journey of career transformation from a corporate job to dancer, theatre and leaning salsa. Listen how to balance dancing career and health. Listen how to get fulfilment in dancing career. And listen how meditation changed her life and career in dance.

Instagram Profile of Nancy Rustagi - Click Here

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Dancing is not just dancing for me anymore. It's more than that. I have gotten so much from it. Like, just by dancing and just fully expressing myself. Dance has given me a confidence. It has given me a confidence to be who, to be able to go on on the floor and just like, okay, it doesn't matter if I'm doing the right move or not, but it has filled me with confidence that I can. When I dance, I feel more confident. So if your spirit is excited by something, that might can be your calling. So follow your heart, listen to your calling of your spirit and go in that direction, maybe you find something magical. And I think this is the deepest so far I have gone. For me, meditation is always dancing, right? I mean, I dance and I feel like this is my meditation. This is 1 hour. If I'm dancing, this is how I'm deeply connected and I'm in the present moment because otherwise the mind is always there in the future or in the past. But when I'm here, when I'm dancing, movement is my meditation. Welcome to another episode of let's Talk Clarity podcast. Today we are having a special episode. This episode is about something different, a different career dance. Yes. Today we are having Nancy Rustagi, the dancer, performer, choreographer. She's having amazing energy and full of life. I saw her in Life Plugin Summits in Goa where she made more than 300 people dance to her tunes. In this episode, we discuss about the career transformation from a corporate job to doing a theater and then learning salsa and then making her career into dance performance and choreography. So let's find out how you can also make a career in dance and how easy or difficult it is to have a career on dance. Yes. Let's jump straight into the conversation. Hello, everyone. This is Rakesh, your coach, author, speaker, and career transformation expert. Welcome to my podcast. Let's talk clarity. Let's Talk Clarity, in which we discuss about career transformation, productivity, and life fulfillment. Let's start the episode and talk clarity. Welcome to let's talk Clarity podcast. And today we are having a special guest, a special friend with me who has chosen a different career than all of us. Yes, she is not into corporate world or something like that, but she's a dancer, performer and choreographer. Hello, Nancy. Welcome to the show. Thank you, Rakesh. Thank you so much for having me here. It's an absolute pleasure whenever I see you. I just had this question that Nancy is a dancer, but how this journey has started. And I was always curious about your journey and everything. But before that, let me ask you a simple question that whenever I meet any dancer or performer and they told me that every time that they have started their journey when they were age six, age eight, or maybe 910, but you started your journey after doing jobs and different jobs. So how that has happened, right? So I only started dancing ten years back. It's only been a decade for me to do what I love to do. And it took me time to really understand and really found my passion. So, like any other family, how it works in a family, right? You have been told that, okay, when you grow up, this is how your brother did, or probably your cousin brother did, or this is how it happens. And the family where I come from, it's a very simple middle class family. And my future, my career was already told to me that okay, I think commerce is great. Your brother has done it and somebody else has done it, and you should do it, and you should do your studies, your graduation and so on and so forth. This is how I was told, but I did that. Of course. I respected what my parents have planned for me and I did graduation in commerce. I did everything that they've told me to do. But over the period of time, I found I realized that my love and my passion is not this. I am not somebody who can sit and study and give papers and then work for someone, right? I am an artist. I have something going on inside of me that needs to come out, that needs to be expressed. And it was only like I've been to very a lot of stage shows. I saw artists performing on the stage. I saw I went for theaters, I went for dance performances. And over the period, I realized how these artists would feel like, what is their journey? How did they end up there? What happened? How did they chose? And not how come they are not working in a corporate and how are they there? And it was so fascinating to see them, to dance, to perform, even in theater. It was so beautiful to see them expressing themselves. And I'm like, I want to know, I was curious to know that what is their journey? How did that happen? I was really curious. And then I took the step and I got in touch with the theater group and I told them that I'm looking forward to doing theaters with you. This was long back. This was right after I was working in CNN. Ibn ibn seven. And while I was working there, I was still working and curious to know what happens on the other side. I got in touch with the theater group and they said, okay, we have our rehearsals on this coming show. Why don't you come for it, give us an audition and we'll see how we take from there. I said great. Sounds great. At least I am moving in direction. So I went there, I asked for them, gave an audition. They said, okay, we need to work on you a little bit, of course. And probably we have our workshop that keeps happening every weekend and you can come for us. And then over the period of time, we will see that where we can kiss you. I said, great, sounds great. So Monday to Friday at work. And Saturday? Sunday I'll do my theater. And while my love for theater kept growing, my love, I used to enjoy myself and look forward to the weekend so that I can be in a different setup and do something that I've never done before and always dreaming to be on the stage. So then while that kept growing, I decided to quit my job here. And with this group that I was doing my theater with, they got into a bigger picture. Like they were becoming from a small theater group. They were becoming into a bigger production house. So there I found the opportunity that, okay, maybe there are possibilities for me to leave this job and probably earn their great. I quit my job and I told my patients that I'm going to be doing theatre. And then there was a huge how family drama could have happened. What are you saying? You have a great job in Sierra and Ibn, which is a reputation company. How could you leave that? How can you do theater? How are you going to earn money there? How is your life going to be? What are you doing? And I'm like, okay, let me figure it out. But I will do this because I love doing it. While I was doing theater, I also started learning salsa back then, and I was really hooked to salsa. And while I was working before CNN, I was working in a very small company for a brief period of time. And there my colleagues were salsa dancers. And one of the afternoon they were just dancing salsa. And I'm like, wow, what is this like again? Something the music, the rhythm, the flow. I fell in love. So I'm like, okay, great, I want to learn this as well. So on the weekend, sometimes I'll do theater and if possible, I'll go for the salsa classes. So it wasn't that regular then, but then now then I was full pledging doing theater. I could make more time for salsa. And then I was completely left the corporate world and was moving towards being a dancer, a theater actor and all of that. So I spent those few years of my life into training myself into being a dancer and a theater actor. And of course, over the period of time, my hard work and all the sacrifices and all the fights that I've done at home paid off. So I did some great shows in the theater and I also took part in the Asian championship while I was doing salsa. And then I got some recognition and that quite got me more confident that whatever I am doing is something that I love to do. And at the same time, it's also rewarding me somewhere. So this was very important. And because that gave me myself a sense that, okay, I am in the right direction. And also to my parents that, okay, even if she's doing what she's doing, she's at least getting something out of it and she's all right. It wasn't an easy thing for me to really convince them, but I guess all these little achievements gave me a push to keep going and keep going. So this is how it happened. Like, all these things happened in the last ten years. And I'm like, okay, I need to continue growing in the direction where I'm going. Wow, that's great. That's an amazing journey you have shared with me. And I really picked that point when your friends were dancing on the stage. And there must be some transcendent moment in your life because I remember I went to UTI with my friends. We were nine boys and still in engineering college after third year. There was a fourth year, was there? And we were two, three days. We are roaming a new tea and we are doing something and we are drinking and everything, all sort of things are happening. And we went to a church by chance. Okay, okay. And there was someone who is playing piano, a big piano, and we nine boys, we sat there for an hour till the time the person has stopped playing the piano. Right. I could still sense that moment and that music and then piano and the church environment. I'm sure that your moment is also like this, only like, as you say it, I can feel the sound of the piano on my body and in my heart. So yes, of course, otherwise I wouldn't just like seeing two people dancing. I would just choose to go for a dance class like that. So it was a very lazy Saturday afternoon and we were just wrapping up work and we had the time, like, still few hours to go back home. So usually on Saturdays we'll just order food or probably go out for a movie. It was a very good setup of people I was working with. So they both started playing Selzer and then they started dancing. And one after the other after the other track, like almost for 15 minutes, they were dancing nonstop. And I was mesmerized, I was like, God. I was like, wow, will I ever be able to dance like that? Can I do this? I would love to do this. I've been dancing since my childhood. I've been doing dancing. But this was something else. This was something else. And probably I might have been Latina in some previous life. I completely believe that because the music just got me so, like, so deeply then that I'm like, okay, I want to be in this place. Like, I want to dance like these two people. And immediately asked them that who their teacher is and how I can get in touch with this person and how I can do this and that also has a story. So when I got in touch with this teacher, his name is Samir from Delhi Salsa Club. I'm still with him. He's a wonderful teacher. And I called him and I said hi, I need to come for your class. And he said something so fast I couldn't understand. He said, okay, this is the class and this would be the class you come here on this weekend. And I couldn't get it. And I'm like okay, how do I don't know what he said. And then I couldn't go for that class because I was like I don't know what he said. Then I couldn't call again because obviously I wanted to do this. But then at the same time I was doing theater. So I'm like okay, maybe for later. I didn't push it that much. It was gone. I couldn't go back. But again somehow after I think a few months, a couple of months, two or three months back again I'm like okay, maybe I should call him again and ask for this class. And then I called him again. And then this time around he sent me the location on WhatsApp he was like okay, this is the place, come for it. I remember you called me before and I was like yeah, it was so fast I couldn't understand. And I couldn't call you back also again because I couldn't do it. He said okay, never mind. You just come for it. And they begin my journey for it and they begin my journey for salsa. And ever since then I've not looked back. And I love salsa. I love salsa. I think it's in vessel. And how does it felt when you went for the first class? What was your reaction and what pushed you to go again and again? Of course the whole energy of the class is really nice. I was doing something that I wanted to do and a I had this vision that when I saw the two of my colleagues dancing I had this vision that I have to nail it to dance like that. So I know the journey is not going to be easy. There will be times when I'll be like oh my God, I don't want to go for the class. Maybe the class is boring, maybe it's repetitive, but no, I knew one thing that I know where I want to be, what kind of dancer I want to be like. And so I will continue with this coming to classes with this training and I will make sure that I dance like those two people that I saw. The flawless, the magnetic people who were dancing and I couldn't take my eyes off. So I would want to be like that, that people cannot take their eyes off. And they are inspired to learn dancing. Maybe not salsa, but at least dancing. Dancing, yes. So the goal was set and it was clear in your mind it was something like vision board or something. I have to dance like that 100%? Yes. Great, great. Let's take it forward and discuss about what are your top three learnings from this journey. These three learnings will be important for someone who will just start to dance or who is just starting to take dance as a career, right? So I think first thing is that we need to really know that it is possible to have a career in dance. Okay? People believe that it is not. But entertainment is the big part of our life, right? People see dances very differently. Right? I know in our society, in our culture, and in the place in the time of world where we're living, it is people think that, okay, I don't have time for it, I don't have this. Or how can for anybody who wants to make a career in India, they'll be like, how will I do it? But tell me something. If I am a non dancer and if I want to dance and if for what, where do I go for that? I go to a dance class, right? Or I go to a dance teacher or a choreographer. If there were nobody who would make a career in dance, how would I, being a non dancer can go and learn, right? So if there is a market for everything, if you want something, there is an availability for that. So think of the million people who wants to dance, right? So I thought of that. I'm like, okay, if I can be a teacher, I can dance and I can give that love to the people, then I would do it. So yeah, I mean, it is possible. First thing is to believe that it is possible to have a career in what you truly passionately feel for. That was my first thing. Second is that the journey is not going to be easy, but you have to keep going on. And I'm not just saying it for that. It's because of dancing. It is for anything that you do in your life that the journey is never easy. But you have to be consistent. You have to show up every day. There would be days. You would question your belief, there would be days. But remember why you started and continue continu. And trust me, it will reward, it will reward back if you just do what you truly deeply love. The third learning is set goals for yourself. Like I said that when I saw both of them dancing, I had a vision board that this is how I want to dance right now. My next vision board is to compete in world championship. I have done it in the Asian level, but now I want to prep myself to be a world champion. Like any other work that you do, there is a hierarchy, right? You can be from an executive, you can be a vice president. Similarly, in your own dancing field, there are there are steps that you can take and you can magnify and you can really grow in whatever you're doing. So, my next goal is to definitely compete in the World Championship for salsa and spread the joy and love of dancing to as many people as I can globally. And there are so many mediums, thankfully, now the social media is so supportive now there's the mediums are so much there available. So you can go ahead and do that. Spread the love of whatever you feel deeply loved for. I think I would just say over and all that. Be confident in whichever way you're going and you can do anything if you just believe and put your mind to it. Great. So that was amazing. Three learnings for any dance career for anyone who can start the dance as a career. But there is one major question which is still coming into my mind and it might short be coming into someone who wants to start dance as a career. How this money will flow in this dance? Brilliant question. OK, so see there you have to really tap into the right market. OK? I would say yes, I have worked in the market that they would pay you very less. I have worked in a market they would pay you really high. Okay? So you have to find your way through that. What happens is initially when you start what happened with me as well, when I started my third year, I was paid very less. Okay? Like a minimum, I would say for a 300 to a RS500 for an hour, for which I would travel 2 hours from Gazia bath till guru gown and then I would do my take a RS500 class and then come back, half of which would probably even go in my travel. But then I knew that, okay, it is difficult right now, but I know I can find my way through to the kind of market and the place and the surrounding where I want to. And I have. And from getting paid from a 500 to RS5000 for an hour, I have been able to achieve. So I know that there is a market for all. There are people who can pay. All right? And we do feel disheartened that this is not working. It's very less. But you have to carve your way through it. You have to go make sure that you on this journey, you make the right choices and that you know that where you want to be. So if you know where you want to be and if you make the right choices in that journey, you will end up where you want to go. And the universe always supports, I believe if you have a good intention and you work hard and you're consistent, everything supports. And this has worked for me. And I have been consistent. And I always knew where I want to learn and where I want to see myself. Yeah, great. I got your point. Actually, this question is for any career. Yes. You have to start small, and then you have to take the experience and grow. It happens with everyone. Even Google. CEO Sundar Pichai has joined as a management trainee in Google. Now he is a CEO after 24 years. Exactly. Yeah. We have to work through the letters in a slow and steady way with the hard work and commitment. Absolutely. Yeah, I got your point. Yes. So let's take it forward and discuss about how you manage your time in this dance profession. Because we are having shows in the night, and then we have to travel, maybe daily travel to another city and come back the next day. It might be very difficult to manage time and then how you are managing the practice and how you are managing your regular routine shows of the Delhi or Delhi, NCR, or whichever city you are deciding. Yeah, right. So, see, what happens is that initially, when I would be passionate to do everything and everything and any kind of work would come to me, I'm like, okay, I want to do it, I want to do that. And it has happened to me that it has taken a huge toll on my body. Right. And I haven't got enough rest. And I have been just overworking and over exhibiting myself. But I've understood over the period of time when you find that stability in your life, and then yet you know that instead of taking everything that comes to you now, you have come into your life where you can choose what you want to do and you can choose it accordingly. Respecting your body. For a dancer, our everything is this body. So we have to take care of it. We have to. And not just for a dancer. For any human being, your body is what is helping you to achieve and do your everyday activity or anything that you do. Right. So I feel for me, when I have that freedom, that I can choose, that's what I want to do and how I want to place my days, that, okay. If three days I'm working straight, at least on the fourth day, I can give my body some rest. Yeah. And that's how I plan. And also on these days, I make sure that I give the proper nutrition to my body. Yes. It needs the rest. It needs that food that it can feel. Nourished. So I've been having fruits, which is very important in all the nuts that you eat, the protein and everything. So you have to make sure that you eat the right kind of food, which helps your body and supports your body to be able to work. If you have to be working nonstop, and you have to do that. So you have to be very mindful on how you can work with your body, and also I can respect it. So that needs to be understood within you. And then you need to see where you need to stop and where you need to keep going, keep push yourself. Yeah. We have to balance it somewhere. Absolutely. The balance has to be made in anything in any part of your life. Yeah. If we are working on March 31, we are working day in, day out for the closure of the year, then we have to take some rest in the April 1. Of course. Yeah. You need to work really hard, and then you need to give it some time. Okay. There are days when I'm not doing anything, which is very difficult for me because I am pretty much conditioned like that. I want to work. It drives me. I love to work. I love to dance. And when I know that my dance is so much like my work is so much fun that I would want to work. But there are days I have to tell myself, okay, answer today is arrested. Okay. You need to really support your body. You have to honor it, you have to respect it. And today it demands rest. So you lie around your bed and watch something. I don't know what. Choose something mindful, but just sit down, please, and rest. Maybe not do anything at all. But for me, when I have to take rest, I should dance. Yeah, exactly right. And of course, you're absolutely right. When I have to dance, when I have to rest, I also dance sometimes. This is true because definitely I can choose different movements. Like, in those days, probably if I'm not doing something very high intensity, I probably do something slow and maybe just understanding more how my body can move more freely with more movement. What I saw, maybe I saw something somewhere, and I want to try that. So on those rest days, I do that. Sometimes I do that, sometimes I don't do anything. So you just have to be mindful and listen and stay connected to what your body is asking you for. It's a great privilege to have this sort of clarity where the work and the play merge together. That's amazing. Right. So, Nancy, let's take it forward. And what is the future of Nancy? And I heard something called flout. What is that? Oh, yes. I'm excited to tell about it. I have come to a point in my life where I know that dancing is not just dancing for me anymore. It's more than that. I have gotten so much from it just by dancing and just fully expressing myself. Dance has given me a confidence. It has given me a confidence to be who to be able to go on the floor and just like, okay, it doesn't matter if I'm doing the right move or not. But it has filled me with confidence that I can when I dance, I feel more confident and not just when I dance but over the period of time it has developed this skill inside me that I feel more and more confident about myself. And while I feel confident in my body and I'm dancing I also feel sensual about myself. That OK. I'm comfortable in moving my body. And once you start becoming comfortable in your body, you start loving it. And when you love your body, you're freely able to express it, right? And it makes me feel that confident and that sexiness in my body, that OK, I love it. It doesn't matter what size I am, I'm fat or maybe I'm thin, but I love it. So that kind of a connection I have built through dancing then it has also given me the beauty of expression, right? I express not just through dance, of course. Like when I dance, when you do Bollywood or when you do contemporary like you express sometimes you're only dancing on the music but sometimes you're dancing on the lyrics, right? And then the music has so much power that there are some lyrics that you connect so deeply with, right? And then you feel those words and then you express it through your dance. And all this magic has helped me to express myself in different areas of my life. So if I am beat my relationship with my friends or be my relationship with my family or beat my relationship with my own self, I have been able to express more feeling. I express myself being more vocal of what I want to say. So this beauty has come to me through movement, through dance. It has given me the power to connect. Connect with people. Of course, in salsa you dance with people, right? And you connect. You touch someone and then you dance. You're in the flow. But it has also given me the beauty. Dance is so beautiful. If you just go on the dance floor and you're dancing when there's somebody dancing and you are dancing and you look at them and then there is an instant connection. And even if you're not like there have been times that you can go to someone and you can ask someone, hey, what's your favorite movie of dancing? Right? So what I have felt is that dance breaks the wall between two people. Yes, it completely breaks the wall between two people and two people or anybody. And it's such a beautiful without any talking, you can just build a connection with someone. So this I have gotten through movement, through dance, and it's so amazing that even if I'm not talking to someone and even if I'm just looking into that person's eyes or if he is moving or she is moving and I'm following her or I am moving, she is following me or he's following me, there is an instant connection. Right? And it's just beautiful. Either it comes from dancing or. If it doesn't even come from dancing. This connection that I've been able to crack, this is just amazing. So this I have gotten from dance. And the last thing that I have really felt, the dances I have gotten and I have achieved is the Nirvana. So just recently I went to Vipassana and there they teach you the technique of how you can be more and more connected to your own self. And I realized when I was meditating that what is that one thing that makes me fully, completely, wholly, wholesomely connected to myself? And that is dance. When I am dancing, I am so much into it. Like I'm into meditation. Like this is how I feel. And there have been moments in my life that I am so happy. I am so freaking happy that if in this moment I leave the world, I leave this body. I think I have lived my life, I have achieved that level of happiness. I feel what more is there? What more can there be? I am so happy right now. What else is there? Everything else is just part of parcel of this world, right? I am so happy. The people around me are dancing. Everybody's dancing. They're happy. I see smiling faces, I see emotions, I see love. I am so happy. So I have felt that happiness within me through dance. So, yeah, this is my path to enlightenment. Like my enlightenment comes from dance. So these five things I have achieved, I have found in dance. And dance has given me and this is what I want to give it out to people. So Flout means which is an acronym for the Love of Ultimate Truth. Okay. And the ultimate truth is you being connected to your own self. That is all. If you love yourself fully, if you are fully in tune within you, if there is peace within you, then there is peace outside you. If there is happiness within you, there is happiness outside of you. So whatever it is, the game is all inside. And if you can just be content and happy and all that you want to be, you want to see outside the world, if you can achieve that inside of you, then that is the ultimate truth. So for Flout, for me is this and Flout is for the Love of Ultimate Truth, which also means full out, which means you dance full out. That is flout. That's amazing. And when you're told that while dancing, if I leave the body, I was literally getting the goosebumps and I could feel what you are saying. I'm so glad. So this is the path for life fulfillment. Yeah. So by the journey, if someone asks you what is life fulfillment and how to achieve it, what you will answer? Well, I would say that whatever you do, whatever it is that you do, be fully present into it and remember one thing, that anything that is happening is going to get over soon, right? So nothing is permanent. So remember this thing and continue doing what you're doing with full love, with full passion, compassion, kindness. And that's what I would say to anyone and anybody. And yes, follow what you love doing. Find your passion. It wasn't an easy thing for me. I've wasted so much of my time and now when I look back, I started dancing at the age of 22. So if I can still find it at the age of 22 and still continue doing, I think you can find it too. And I would encourage anybody and everybody that find what you love and give it all you have and go crazy in it and that will fulfill your life because everything else will keep happening, life will keep happening, people will come in your life, people will go, opportunities will come, will go. And everything else is just passing off how the world works, right? So really, really find what you love to do. Take your time. I mean, I wouldn't say that it was easy. I followed the clues that came to me. I was working, but then my boss were dancing like my colleagues were dancing and I'm like, hey, this is something, it excites me if your spirit is excited by something, that might can be your calling. So follow your heart, listen to your calling of your spirit and go in that direction. Maybe you find something magical there. Wow, that's great. Yes. So how you got so much clarity? Is it the magic of your Persiana? Well, I would say that it's a beautiful study, it's a beautiful technique and I think this is the deepest so far I have gone. For me, meditation is always dancing, right? I mean, I dance and I feel like this is my meditation, this is 1 hour if I'm dancing. This is why I'm deeply connected and I'm in the present moment because otherwise the mind is always in the future or in the past. But when I'm here, when I'm dancing, movement is my meditation. But then I realized that while I was doing my Vipassana and I was just sitting so still, so still, and my body was still and that's when my mind could become still. And in that deeper silence of my body and my mind, I found the answers from my subconscious. That OK, the deeper meanings to life you find there. Okay? And of course a lot of creativity flew in me, a lot of answers to my questions flew in me. I feel that for an artist it's very important to be deeply connected to your own tune inside and through Vipassana. In that ten days of the journey, I was really in tune with within the sound of my own inside voice. So that really helped. And I wouldn't say anybody was not done. I mean, I would recommend everybody to try this, but if you cannot do parasite, if ten days is too much of a commitment for anybody. Just sit silent and find time in your day to just sit silent for maybe five minutes or ten minutes and just observe nothing but the voice within you, your intuition, your breath and stay connected and in tune with you because the chattering will keep going on. There is distractions all around you. Wake up, you see the phone, you see some instagram story, you see something and there your mind goes on and on. But before you start, you get in tune with you and within the tune and the voice inside of you, then you can direct your whole day, your life with that voice. So I'd say everybody should at least spend some time during the day to just sit in silent and then just connect with you, in the voice with you and tune within you. Well, that's great. So this is the famous meditation or what you call sitting with yourself. I call it st 30. Okay. Self talk. 30 minutes. 30 minutes every day. We have to sit with ourselves for 30 minutes every day to analyze how the 24 hours has gone, what has happened and what is my goal and what is happening inside my body during doing something. Right? So I call it St 30 and someone says it is Vipassana, someone say it is meditation. There are a lot of definitions out there, correct. So I could totally relate to that, right? Yes. Any kind of meditation. What is meditation for you? It is dances. Yeah, absolutely. But there's a different beauty. Of course. Dance is movement there's your body is flowing, there's something going on. But this was a different beauty. This was the beauty of silence and no movement at all. Okay. No movements. Okay, now I got it completely different. This is like just sitting without moving any inch of you and of your body and just still. And that was great. I mean, from the stillness came so much movement from me. Like I said that if you sit still, your mind becomes still. And when the mind becomes still, it is there in that moment and it's not in the future or in the past. That's only what mind can do. Either it can be in the future or in the past. But if you want to be in the present, then you need to tell and train your mind about how to be in the present. And for that if you can just sit down and put your ass down and sit there for 30 minutes or an hour and then you can really, really sharpen and deepen your mind to listen to you and yeah. So let's take the discussion towards Flout. So what is float and how it will happen and what was your plan? Right, so now that I know what Flouts vision is, I want to dedicate Flout to people and moving and healing people through dance. So that is flout. What is flout would be. Now, when I say healing, it doesn't mean that somebody has a trauma. They want to come out of it. Of course it will help. Any kind of movement will help. But if anybody who's looking to be more confident feel more confident about themselves, be more sensual about themselves, or have been able to be able to express themselves and be able to harness their connection with them and with the people around them and in their workplace or at their home or with their friends or finally being able to feel the happiness, the true happiness within them. That for them, Flout is there. So float will be an experience for people. Come for a flout session, learn about these things, know how this works, and take all of these things with you. So that is what flutter is going to be. What I have gotten thrown down, I want to give it to people. Okay, got it. That's what flout. So it will be a 1 hour session, one day session or three days. Well, it can go on and on, right, within a one session. I don't think anybody can be confident in one session. It's a process, it's a journey, right? But at least I will be able to tap and put that seed into somebody. That okay. Now the seed is inside of you. Now it will flourish. Now it's up to you, right? I mean, sometimes, trust me, sometimes I have attended master classes or class for 1 hour. And something about that instructor, or maybe the way that instructor has moved from that class, from that workshop has moved me. And I remember that because the body remembers it. When you're dancing and something, some kind of something that vibration, vibrates or something connects with you, resonates with you, right? And then your body remembers it. Like in the movement, in the exploration, somebody said something and then like, wow, dude, this is I resonate with that feeling. I resonate what he's saying. And then your body remembers that, right? So that seed is into you. And then once that seed is into you, it's up to you how you harness that. So my only motive and my vision is that I can give all of that to people and put that seed inside of people that, hey, listen, you can be so much more. You can be that confident person that you want to be. You can be sensual, you can have great connections, you can express yourself as you want to express yourself. And you can ultimately be so in tune, so happy within you that you can stay connected and you can find the truth within you. And it could be anything. I'm not saying for me it is dancing. But if you can just be in tune within you, then you can probably somebody is a great engineer, right? But he does his never explored dancing because all he has ever done or she has ever done is just studying and doing that. But dance can always give you more inspiration, it can always give events. Once you are connected into that dance, it open up channels to so much more into your life that who knows, Rode, you might be an executive tomorrow you could be somebody else. So I feel like dance should be part of everybody's life and everybody should dance. It's so amazing to move your body. It is so amazing to dance. So I feel it is this is what the message I want to give to the people that, hey, just dance again. If you cannot call me, I'll come and make you dance and I will dance with you. And I just want the whole world to be able to dance. Yeah, just dance and live life full out. Yeah. Thank you. And I can very well vote for your dance because I have been into life plugging and I have seen you dancing and dancing people 200 and 5300 people at the moment. You have made everyone dance. So I can very well vouch for that. So we're at the end of the podcast and I want to just ask that when we can expect Flout and how can someone come to you and dance and how to get in touch with you? What is your Instagram, LinkedIn or are you available on a website? What is that? Absolutely.

So Flout is going to be functional for March, which is March 200:

23, which is also my birthday. It's on 27th though. But then anyway, I mean, within the end of the March, everything will be done. The website for Fout will be done, it will be operational. But I want to teach how I want to teach. Of course, all of that is in the pipeline, but how will all be like how this experience will be ready to be served to the people will be done by that. Because I am taking time, because I want to really do it with a lot of good intention. It's not just that I put five songs and I want to just give it out to the people. I really want to know that what are those things that really can move people and they felt that changes within them. So for that, whenever I go for any session, I ask people and I ask them that and I take a lot of their testimonials and how they feel about it. And that helps me to make this program more and more meaningful and deeper, which is why I'm taking my sweet time to make it. And now by March you can expect Flow to be fully functional, to be there. There will be definitely Instagram page for that. There will be a website, there will be a Facebook page. And for now, if you want to get in touch with me, you can always find me on Instagram and on Facebook. My name is Nancy Rostagi. And on Instagram, you can find me with the same name. Wow. Thank you. Thank you. So, guys, please follow Nancy Rosette on Instagram and Facebook. And you're also available on LinkedIn. Yes, I am. Yes. Great. So, Nancy, this is my last question, and this is my favorite question. Okay. So I believe that miracles do happen. And sitting with you in this recording studio is a miracle for me. So it is for me. Yeah. So the question is, what is the one thing which can happen in next one year in which you will feel that, yes, miracle to happen? Would you say, that what I wish for me and that will happen? And you will feel that, yes, miracles do happen? Yes. And I know that certainly. And for sure, I can say to you Rakesh right now is that, like I said, that I want to take slow globally. I want to take it globally, and I will take it globally. And Life Plugin has been such a wonderful inspiration and place for me. And through Life Plugin, I have come across other platforms where personal transformation is considered a great thing. And there are communities, stronger communities in the world who talk about personal transformation. One of them is Mind Valley. So my next year vision would be to take Flout to Mind Valley, of course. And wherever possible for me to take Float, it will be there. So I know this magic will happen, and I will end up being in Mind Valley next year, mine Valley University, and I would be taking a Flout session. And who knows, I might as well have my own course in Mind Valley. So you never know. Yeah, I think that will be the true magic for me to be able to present and take Flout and make it reach to a million and million people out there. Great. Great. My heartful wishes that this will happen and you will feel miracle to happen. Oh, yes, they do happen. And I know if the seed is there in my mind, then it is bound to happen. Great. So. Thank you, Nancy. It's been amazing discussing about dance. And what I could feel right now is just dance. So I think right after this podcast, we should do a dancing. Yes. Thank you for being on the show. Thank you so much, Raquel. Thank you for giving me this platform to be able to say my thoughts out loud. And I hope it has helped the listeners to really know that dance is a beautiful thing to do. And please make dance as part of your life and see how your life transforms, and it will be magical. You'll see so much of beauty in your life generally and within you. So make it part of your life. That's all I would say. Thank you. Thank you, Nancy. And listeners, let's start dance. Dance. All right, great. Thank you for listening to let's talk clarity with Rakesh. Please subscribe or follow this podcast on your preferred platform so that you don't miss any important episodes. Have clarity, listen clarity, and let's talk clarity. Let's talk clarity.