Let's Talk Clarity

Clarity Talk with Vivek Atray Sir - EP50

November 03, 2022 Vivek Atray sir Season 1 Episode 50

Thats half century, yes it is 50th episode. This is a special episode, a milestone episode with my Mentor Vivek Atray sir. 

Vivek Atray sir, Ex IAS, Motivational Speaker, Author, 8 times TEDx Speaker & Mentor.  

We discussed about career transformations, time management, meditation, productivity tools, how to have a great relationship with boss and how to get life fulfilment.

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So the thing is your boss has become into your mind and it could happen to many people. And not only boss, it could be the system, it could be the company, it could be the pressure of expectation or revenue target or whatever it is. Basically we need to realize that if we charge our battery by meditation or yoga, physical fitness, mental fitness, even watching sports, playing sports, reading book, we will do better in the remaining time of work. Firstly, we need to know that there is a need to meditate. And the only way that human beings learn this is by you are connected with an author more intimately then you will be connected in physical proximity. Welcome to another episode of let's Talk Clarity podcast. This is a special episode, a milestone episode. That's halfcentury. Yes, it is. 50th episode. In this episode I am with my mentor Vivekatresa ex ies. Motivational speaker, author, TEDx speaker and mentor. It's a privilege and honor to have him on let's Talk Clarity podcast. From the last four years I learned from him. I learned public speaking, I took guidance from him. I just love the positivity and calmness in his videos, audios and whenever I met him. Thank you sir for being on my show and give us important wisdom tools. In this episode we discuss about career transformations, meditation, productivity tools, how to have a great relationship with boss, and how to get life fulfillment. Let's jump straight into the conversation in this milestone 50th episode. Hello everyone. This is Rakesh, your coach, author, speaker and career transformation expert. Welcome to my podcast. Let's talk clarity. Let's Talk Clarity in which we discuss about career transformation, productivity and life fulfillment. Let's start the episode and talk Clarity. So welcome to let's talk clarity, Podcast. And today we are having special guest at our landmark episode, 50th episode, vivi Katresa. He is XIs, motivational speaker, author and he does many more things. Welcome to the show, sir. Thank you Rakeshala, and it's a pleasure for me. Thank you sir. Thank you for coming on the show. transition, then motivational speaker, then author and lot many things. But what is driving you in this whole journey? I think there is some internal propeller inside me which is driving that internal josh is driving me. And in fact, there were two other transformations before I came into the Is cricketer till the age of 19 or 20. And then I was an engineering student, obviously for four years. I became an FCS officer. Then Is, then I became a motivational speaker and author. because especially of the people around you, family, close friends, uncle, aunty, Kafi, strongly resist. Close family resist. They understand me better. let's say 15 years of my service. I was working hard and only focused on service. After that I started writing, then I started speaking, then I became more creative in my thinking, creativity. I said I can't be this routine kind of person. Even in the civil services you can be either a routine type of person or you can be a creative person. Of course there are limitations, like you have limitations. And I find that life has become better and better and better. So right now I'm feeling in the zone and the Josh has increased. So I'm very happy. Yes, sir. I got to know that it is the Josh which is driving you and propelling you in this decision. Yes, but off late. There are so many things you are doing. Vibrant. Maybe in a TV interview or radio interview. Then you are in a village sorting out some Jaga. Then you are in some protocol. CM is coming. Then you are in a video conference. We're giving some statistics of your district. multidimensional. So I think I do new things. Yes, they interest me. But I like to sustain what I've started. Vibrant Forum. Vivek Career Academy, then Playwright Foundation. Then literally, society could be my co founder room. And then I have my own motivational speaking, which is really increasing very fast even. decision layer to leave the civil service. That made it easier, no doubt. See, I'll tell you another thing which I haven't talked about yet is your personal development. Meditation, reading, music, whatever you do. Exercise, fitness, yoga, all these things also require time. And I found that during our service, sometimes we neglect ourselves. Family also neglect. You don't spend enough time, conversations come busy. So I found that I should spend more time. And meditation is very important for me in life. I need to meditate at least 1 hour in the morning before going for any work. Now that 1 hour. And then walk also. Then exercise also get me there. And then you have to have breakfast also arm say you can't rush through it. So then I realized that being in a nine to six or nine to seven job is not going to work for me in this zone, in this phase. What I do now, I am not bound by the office, but I'm bound by my own busy life. But I always say to my friends, I'm happily busy, so I can create my own schedule. they start recoiling on you. But I think I've been able to manage my time by prioritization, which we have talked about earlier also in life prioritization. I know that I should give emphasis to family, to creative thinking, to meditation and all other things are routine. But these are more important. Thank you, sir, for the answer. always cool and calm. So whether it is through meditation or meditation, cub start work. A question. In fact, I've been asked this question on public shows. And one very famous podcast, as you know, ran viral Avada Beer biceps. Also I was there and he asked me the same. So basically, my wife read The Autobiography of a Yogi and she told me you should read this book. And she started meditating after reading that book. And she started going to a meditation center in Chandigar of Yoga sad Sang Society. She became a member. Then I followed her about five years later. Busy life. I need to meditate. When I saw her. She's also Karma. She's also cool. Meditation is helping her. Then I saw that the inspiring monks used to meet from the Society of Meditation. And they were amazing people. So I got inspired. Then five years later, I read the book completely. And then I read the lessons. And then I started meditating. When I started meditating, then I didn't look back. But gradually I've increased and improved my meditation. And it has helped me to be cool and calm. Like you're saying on the stage, off the stage, big crowd doesn't bother me. I try to be in my own zone and I'm peaceful. And if I'm sitting with the restless people, then also I try to be peaceful. So the meditation in the morning or in the previous evening that helps you throughout the day. Kistal may start with meditation and how long it has been. Yeah, it started seriously in 2008 when I actually got initiation into something called Kriya Yoga, which is our path and where I had done the preliminary lesson study and the preliminary meditation exercise for six months or eight months or maybe one year. So when I got the Korea initiation from Yoga Satsang society based on Parman Sai Yogananda's teachings, then I started practicing regularly. And once you get that initiation, then the rule is that you practice twice a day. There's no escape. So then we did. And because my wife and I both are in the same path, it really helps us. Of course, she's more sincere and devoted than me. You might think I am, but she's more and she will always tell me if I am a little lazy or casual or late or some she'll say any that also helps. So I think there's a lot of harmony in that. And so 15 years, almost 15 years now. Yes, maybe subsequently centerpihimitata. And it was happened that I met your wife before you at the center. Yes. In fact, I'm coming to the studio from there itself right now. Maybe that's why I'm more peaceful. So sir, let's take it forward. And if I want to start meditation or anyone who is doing a job or any career or a business. So how one can start the meditation I think firstly, we need to know that there is a need to meditate. And the only way that human beings learn this is by smooth ride, flight pastries, nothing going wrong in life. Though we will never think of God, we are cool and calm and happy. But when you see a little bit of setbacks, then you realize that God is needed and there is no other way in which you can handle those setbacks. Like if you lose a loved one or big setback in life, that obviously turns you towards God. So when you realize that, then you think that okay, prayer, god prayer, that starts. But people sometimes stay at that religious level. I would say some people, they come to the spiritual level. I need to follow him. And then you start meditating or you start practicing the techniques. So I think I'll become more calm, I'll become more balanced. I will handle life more easily. Minor Benefits anybody major benefit is God realization, which is supposed to be the goal of life. But these minor benefits are also important for us. Our relationships, our job, our everything depends on how we are as a person. And we improve with meditation. Yes, I got some part of it at least. And I heard that there's a goal of life. So what is this goal of life and purpose of life? So I am not a guru or a qualified person to answer that to that level. But I can answer based on the teachings that I have read and follow. So obviously, as they say in the Indian scriptures, we are souls and we have a body and a mind. We are not a body and mind who has a soul. So if we are souls, we have come not only in this life, we have come from life after life. And the bigger picture of our existence is that this is not our only, let's say, role in this journey. We have come in this lifetime as a particular person. But if you look at the journey as it is said, we started off in maybe as plants or as animals or insects, and then we evolved to human being. Bangay, abdul human being. Bangay. So the goal of life is to find God. And God realization means to be connected with God within. Animals cannot meditate. Animal is a restless creature, an instinctive creature. It's a basic instinct. He cannot meditate because not made like that. The human being has something called a spine. It's a spine hand, then chakra's hand, then the mehrudan bullet. So if you have that, obviously human beings have that and they can sit straight and meditate and focus and concentrate, then you are blessed. But if you go through life without even realizing this abnike, that is not going to be good for life ahead. I mean life ahead means that is not a life lived well. So I think it is very important for us to realize the goal of life is to find God. And God realization is the goal which means interior contact with God, tuning with God. And if you do that, then your life is successful. Yes, sir. So I hear that to have a successful life we should have a goal and goal is to have realization. But here comes the question is someone is working in an office going nine to 530 or nine to six and there he or she is doing a work. So how one can find purpose in this while working in an office or doing a business and still find a God or still find the purpose of life? It's all very entangled in some way. But important question Erak is because basically all of us are like that. Even a homemaker housewife is a busy lady and she might similar time name and an office score will obviously say time name and somebody who I often give the example of a man whose job is to open the railway crossing and close the railway crossing once a day. That's a very remote area. His job is that no, he's not a busy man. He may have a very sensitive job that's 638 ready, okay, or whatever it is, but he cannot miss it. But he doesn't have a busy job. Now, there are people who may have six meetings a day opposite and they're extremely busy. But if you look at it, there are periods in life when we do have time and at least we can start forming a relationship with the Almighty by saying thank you God for this, whatever you did for me, thank you. So you are basically connecting with the Almighty in a way. And if you start even if you start with the basic goal that God is bliss or happiness and happiness, which I tell the students of India whenever I meet anybody, I say the goal of life is happiness. We can't say God realization. They won't understand to that level or they won't even appreciate happiness. appreciation. I think they have to find that happiness within and peace in a peace. And that comes from God. So that is the first sign that you are on the right track. Busy office, go work. Because 90% of the world is busy. That railway crossing man is a rare example. Maybe many like him or maybe those who don't do anything, they just watch TV or they have time. And I would say now just to encourage everybody, let me say, even in a district like Panskola, which is laid back, it's not like, let's say busy district like Delhi or somewhere down. that was my way of inspiring the people. Like I said, that example of a railway crossing man and the man with a meeting of six meetings in a day. Both can meditate. But both can meditate. Both can meditate. And there is a book by James Clear which is called Atomic Habits. You may have heard of it. Five minutes. Five minutes. Five minutes. Five minutes. And then you'll find one day you reach that and you have more time for meditation. Yes, sir. So recently I heard they say it is loosely based on Buddha's teaching that everyone should meditate for 30 minutes a day. And if you're not having time, then you should meditate 60 minutes. In fact, that is absolutely correct. Because if somebody has already got a simple life and a simple mind, then 30 minutes is enough. But if he has a busy life, then more of directionless life is there and busy. And Socrates, the great philosopher said beware the barrenness of a busy life. Again, nothing is foundation. Basically what I'm trying to say is that he is absolutely right. You need to meditate more. efforts. You start with Sunday. Yes, you start with evening before sleeping. Everybody can meditate before sleeping.

Monday you're sitting at 11:

38 p.m., you're about to sleep. Sit for 510 minutes even if you're sleepy. Do whatever you can. And that 60 minutes if you can take out, it shows in the face of people who meditate. It shows in their personality, it shows in me. Also, I must copy of my birthday. Meditation is the only reason. And I think a lot of things which used to trouble me, they don't trouble me now. As I said, the material or these are the lower benefits, the real benefit that you connect with God. I'm very happy that we are having a spiritual conversation like a sad song. So the thing is that most of my listeners ask me that how to start a meditation and how to get fulfillment while doing the job. So that's why this conversation is around this meditation. and the life track is delayed by our bosses. So how one can manuel this boss subordinate relationship? So I'm more concerned about career and all these things. Yeah, I know. So in a busy career we need to find space for ourselves. And if the boss is toxic or tough or rough or more demanding, obviously your life revolves. Mine revolves around the boss, boss, neighbour, husband. The thing is your boss has become into your mind and it could happen to many people. And not only boss, it could be the system, it could be the company, it could be the pressure of expectation or revenue target or whatever it is. Basically we need to realize that if we charge our battery by meditation or yoga or physical fitness, mental fitness, even watching sports, playing sports, reading book, we will do better in the remaining time of work. So your efficiency is more important than your input. There is no doubt about it. So meditation balance, then I will be able to complete my work better and quicker and my boss will also be happy. At least I used to see at my level or your level or anybody. Boss doesn't want how many hours you sat on the computer. He wants to know the output. Output? Body charge, soul charge. I think that will work. Yes, sir. Because the recharging is very important. Absolutely. In the evening while sleeping and in between when we are sleeping, before sleeping, that meditation or whatever exercise we have to device as per our own life type. Absolutely. So sir, let's take it forward. Or the reading of books. Because I started five years, six years back reading books and then I felt that how reading can impact our career. Or one can start reading books or any recommendation. No, in fact. And I was very happy to be involved in your book releases. And I also am an author, as you know. But I totally agree with you. Unless you read, you can't write and reading the benefits of NEA and you will be able to write. Reading a benefit, as I said earlier. Also it's one of the activities which destresses you unless you are reading something very serious or mutterous or something. But even people want to read, thrillers and all. So the thing is reading is a calm activity because when you're sitting with a book, even on a Kindle, you can only read at a particular pace. physical reading. But the thing is that firstly it's a calming activity. Secondly, it's a creative activity. Knowledge, awareness. and you are intently. Even if he is 500 years ago, he's gone. You are inside his mind at that time. So you understand the philosophy of another person, the thinking of another person so closely and that really gives you the best output. So I think a book can transform your life also. I mean autobiography, meditation, that book once you read it, people say that your life change away. There are other books also and these are great books. But you can even read something like marble comics or Ye Bobi, a chi calming activity. Reading itself is a pleasure and reading is something which will give you a lot of joy. And I was saying at a book launch yesterday that the spoken word can be recorded. edited then that is gone. Gone forever. And gone means it is there locked and it can be read many hundreds of years later. So sir, we are coming to the end of the podcast and can you share some three to five top learnings of your IA's career, which is helpful in motivation speaking and author career also so that my audience can benefit from it? It's a very good question because I should share this and I go all over India to speak at colleges, I go to corporates, I go to the government, I go to schools, coffee sessions or learning. So let me first talk about ESIS learnings or government service learnings. Number one, you have to be dynamic even in the government. You have to make things happen. Dynamism is one thing I learned from myself. Only in the government, if I'm moving at a particular pace, I can make things happen. And you have to make things happen. Chandigarmayiti pakmana Yi Sampakua. I was in Walchero. Whatever happened, the thing is I was able to do it because of extra hard work and dynamic work. Secondly, I think Dynamism thought of balance. Balance is important that you don't go overboard in any. And you are also very circumspect, especially in the comment about what you share with others. So, motivational speaking, memory of Via Kamata balance I tell people to balance your life, physical activity, mental fitness, spiritual fitness. And then your day should be time management should be good. You should give equal time to everything that is important. Family life is very important. So I think that was another thing. Balance number three, I learned how to interact with people and that is really helping me in my speaking and my motivation. Because then, now I understand people a bit better. Because I'm sitting in that office in the government for 25 years, 26 years, thousands of people. I must have met onetoone. And when he walks into your office, you know, after a few years and he wants this, you can almost guess and because that person is from a particular startup society, then the next 1 may be from another startup society. Now, in my motivational career, I meet these hundreds of types of people. I go through South India. I'm going to Chetanaik. And I'm going to Mumbai. I'm going to various places. So I understand what to say, when to say, how to say it. Government life, learning, emotional intelligence. If I start talking irrelevant, I should speak relevantly, I should speak context, I should speak what is required by the audience. And then you tell your stories also many stories. For a year or so, he kept coming. So now one day he lost the election. Unfortunately, I don't know why he lost. life stories, stories. And then in the motivational speaking, all these episodes come in handy for humor, for awareness, for public dealing, interaction skills, bathario, conversation skills, bathario, public speaking skills, bathario, motion telling bathario all these things come in. Yes, from this incident, I also done that once you talked about goodwill. Yes. So how one can develop a goodwill while working in an organization or having a business or entrepreneurship, I think that's very important. the earning of life and it will come if you are selfless. And I often say respect is more important than authority. They love you. They want to work with you. They are really with you. Like example, I have a tournament in my father's memory, cricket tournament. You know JP artry tournament? Yes, sir. 27 years away. Volunteers, volunteers, volunteer team. And they have nothing. It's my father's tournament. I have the more stake. I am involved. But they are not directly. They are only there because of me or they are by our friendship. And there are ten of them or eight of them. And they work. Of course we honor them, we recognize them, but we don't give them any financial aid. And they work for the tournament every year. So this is goodwill. That is the power of goodwill. Absolutely, sir. So we are coming to the end of the podcast. And this is my favorite question which I asked to my guest, that you have written three books but autobiography is still in the making. So if you write an autobiography, what title would you give and how it will end? Maybe after 20 years or 50 years, 30 years? I don't think I will write my own autopilography. Because you become a little selfcongratulatory and it's very bad to write about yourself that way. Let others write something. But the thing is I do want to write humorous stories from the government. So from my career I want to because basically my humor writing is better than other writing also. So I write well in that. So I think anecdote stories inspiring as well as humorous, they will come out. So it won't be autobiography, but there will be stories from real life and present. But yes, more books are coming. Some fiction, some nonfiction. In this answer I got that you are doing all these things means literary society books, then cricket, then motivation speaking and then vibrant networking and then good wives. So what is the future plan? Sir? Future plan is to intensify what I'm doing. So if I am known as a speaker or motivational speaker today, I have risen to a certain level in five years. I think I can rise to a higher level in five more years. And I think I need to inspire more people. So there may be lack of students who have not heard me or anyone else in the same topic. I need to reach out. I'm going to a college called Satyai College in Mumbai. I'm going to a school called Kikane School in Koimbutur. I'm going to institutions of excellence. But they don't know. Students are not told these things. Thank you, sir. Thank you for your answer and your planning for the future. And I wish all the best for your future end of us. And before that, I want to thank you for coming to the show and it's always a pleasure to talk to you and having you on my show is a privilege. And I can feel the energy and aura in this room. Even I can feel it. You are the same positive person, good vibes, and I'm very happy with your journey. I know you for, as you said, for five years, I'm seeing how you are also evolving and changing. Improved version windows, windows nine windows ten windows 1113 footing should be better. Let's see. So that's why I call my life 2.020. I know. Yes. Thank you so much. Thank you, Rakesh. Thank you for listening to let's talk clarity with Rakesh. Please subscribe or follow this podcast on your preferred platform so that you don't miss any important episodes. Have clarity, listen clarity and let's talk clarity. Let's talk clanity.