Let's Talk Clarity

Clarity of Endurance - EP47

October 16, 2022 Rakesh Mathuria Season 1 Episode 47


There are times in life, when everything just doesnt work your way, something is switched off in our life, there are things, which are beyond our control, what to do in this situation. Tolerate, yes there are times, when we have to tolerate what is happening around us. When there is traffic on the road, when flight is delayed, when Boss’s mood is not good, when COVID happens, when your close friends are busy and you want to discuss something, there are many circumstances where we cannot do anything. When we have no other option but to endure, but to tolerate. 

This is  a 6 episode series for life fulfilment and to escape from our own matrix. This I have taken from Gauranga Das ji which is delivered in Life Plugin summit in Apr’2019, I really loved this whole concept of ESCAPE - 6 alphabet - E S C A P E.

E - Expectations
S - Success
C - Comparison
A - Appreciation
P - Principles
E - Endurance

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There are times in life, when everything just doesnt work your way, something is switched off in our life, there are things, which are beyond our control, what to do in this situation. Tolerate, yes there are times, when we have to tolerate what is happening around us. When there is traffic on the road, when flight is delayed, when Boss’s mood is not good, when COVID happens, when your close friends are busy and you want to discuss something, there are many circumstances where we cannot do anything. When we have no other option but to endure, but to tolerate. 

This is the sixth and last letter of the escape series, Clarity of Endurance, let's jump in.

Welcome back to another episode of let's talk clarity, please feel free to visit my website rakeshmathuria.com for any career advice, office productivity, time management & how to get life fulfilment while doing a job. Fix a clarity call, the link is in the description.

This is the 6th episode in the ESCAPE series, 6 episode series, This I have taken from Gauranga Das ji this was delivered in Life Plugin summit in Apr’2019, I really loved this whole concept of ESCAPE - 6 alphabet - E S C A P E - 

In which he shared 6 important points to manoeuvre this life , which is sometimes tough, difficult, & challenging. This whole concept is Expectations Success Comparison Appreciation Principles & Endurance, Please listen to previous episodes for complete understanding of ESCAPE formula.

So after expectations, success, comparison, appreciation, principles, lets decode Endurance. 

We all know life is like temporary appearances of happiness and distress and then their disappearance. Happiness and sadness are like seasons, summer & winter, they will come and go. In certain situations, we just cannot help, so we should tolerate, we should endure, endurance is the key. 

Sometimes, kids just don't listen, sometimes, vendors or customers don't understand our point. Sometimes the husband-wife relationship doesn't go as per plan. Hence endurance is the key, we should have flexibility and agility to understand the situation. 

For developing endurance, there is a framework or guidelines, which is proposed by Gauranga Das ji, I call it ZIZO - Z I Z O - Zoom in Zoom out. You can call it Z square, ZZ, ZIZO. Let's find out what it is - 

Rose is a beautiful flower, we all love it and feel the fragrance. However, when you look at the rose through a microscope, it will not look good, it may look ugly, so the point is how the rose looks beautiful or not, depends on our magnification. We should change our magnification to make something beautiful or not. 

Now apply the same magnification principles to Life, yes to life and its incidents, circumstances, We should see life as a DSLR camera, and change the lenses accordingly to situations. In life, We should have flexibility of lenses to choose from. How to do it.

Something has happened and it is bothering you too much. Immediately take a long shot, wide lense or  helicopter view, And you will notice, it is not too bad after all. You are stuck in traffic, take a long shot, analyse how it affects in 5 years, not much. Here I want to share one story, do you remember the 9/11 attack? There are people who got late to the office because of traffic and someone got stuck in an apartment lift, their maid or servant got them late. Now they say that being late was a blessing. The same is the case for people who missed their flight that day. The point is you never know which incident is good, bad or beautiful. Always take a long shot, or zoom out the incident and you will feel better. 

This zoom out can be applied to any incident in life, a small fight with spouse, argument with boss, no orders in a month, a bad day, etc. always bring out your long angle lens of life and view the incident. And you will feel happy about it. 

Consistent happiness is the companion to those who can choose their lenses of magnification of life with flexibility. So when to choose the close-up and when to have a long shot; that requires maturity, which requires knowledge and wisdom. Practise it and master the art of endurance by the ZZ process. 

Hence, to conclude, endurance is important in life for consistent happiness, and for endurance, take life as a DSLR camera and according to situations, change your lens, according to circumstances use ZZ, or use zoom in zoom out. 

This is clarity of Endurance, and how to tolerate difficult circumstances in life. Please Feel free to reach out to me if you are having any doubt or want any clarity on life, career, relationship, fulfilment and endurance. Contact me if you want to master the Zoom in zoom out framework.