Let's Talk Clarity

Clarity of Principles - EP46

October 09, 2022 Rakesh Mathuria Season 1 Episode 46

Clarity of Principles

If you want a fulfilling life, you have to have principles governed by strong values. These are the foundations and directions of a fulfilling life. We should lead a life with direction and foundation based on true principles. Our actions should be governed by principles.

For peace in life - we should have principle centric life. 

We are sharing a framework for Principles, DESIGN framework.

This is  a 6 episode series for life fulfilment and to escape from our own matrix. This I have taken from Gauranga Das ji which is delivered in Life Plugin summit in Apr’2019, I really loved this whole concept of ESCAPE - 6 alphabet - E S C A P E.

E - Expectations
S - Success
C - Comparison
A - Appreciation
P - Principles
E - Endurance

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If you want a fulfilling life, you have to have principles governed by strong values. These are the foundations and directions of a fulfilling life. We should lead a life with direction and foundation based on true principles. Our actions should be governed by principles.

Otherwise, we would be harming ourselves and others also.

For peace in life - we should have principle centric life. 

Let's decode what are principles, and how to make them, is there a framework, yes, there is a DESIGN principle framework. Let's jump in. 

Welcome back to another episode of let's talk clarity, please feel free to join my VIP Facebook group and visit my website - rakeshmathuria.com. Or reach out to me for any career advice,  office productivity, time management & how to get life fulfillment while doing a job. Fix a clarity call with me, the link is in the description.

This is the 5th episode in the ESCAPE series, 6 episode series, This I have taken from Gauranga Das Ji which was delivered in the Life Plugin summit in Apr’2019, I really loved this whole concept of ESCAPE - 6 alphabet - E S C A P E - 

In which he shared 6 important points to maneuver this life , which is sometimes tough, difficult, & challenging. This whole concept is Expectations Success Comparison Appreciation Principles & Endurance, 

So after expectations, success, comparison & appreciation let's decode principles. 

I will not use plastic, that is a principle, I will not scold my kids, that's a principle, I will be firm though

I will travel by metro to ensure one less car on the road, that's the principle, 

These are the principles, which should guide us in every turn of our life, we should be guided by the principles in life, which are ultimately based on our core values. And they connect your values to your actions. So we can say that - principles are bridges between your values and action.

I will follow honesty, care, compassion, and truthfulness, these are principles, I will not compare myself with others, that's a principle, 

We all have these principles, which evolve with time & age, we should be receptive to evolution based on time. Hence for making principles, we should design as per the design formula, which I have created in Life 2.0. 

DESIGN means - 

 D - Determination

 E - Enthusiasm

 S - Sustainable 

 I - Integrity

 G - Goodwill

 N - Nurture 

Our principles should enhance any of these design parameters, these are core life design ingredients. 

Determination - the principles should enable our determination, we should be determined for our Goals & Purpose, our principles should reinforce our willpower, our determination, I will do this project, I will release this podcast episode, 

I will do this and commit to it and be determined to it. That's the first design parameter, Determination.

Enthusiasm - principles should trigger our enthusiasm, or show enthusiasm. Going to the nearest shop or metro by walking should trigger enthusiasm that it is helping to reduce automobile pollution, enjoy the walk, enjoy the metro ride, remember, the metro means one less car on road. Our principles should trigger enthusiasm. 

S - Sustainable - Now that we are on the cusp of going to the point of no return, we have to save our earth, our decisions, our actions, & consequently our principles should be governed by a sustainable future, remember about our next generation, their future. Whenever you are stuck in any life decision, choose sustainability, you will never regret it. Let's move to Integrity

Integrity - Integrity saves us in difficult times, integrity is what keeps us united, integrity builds trust. Integrity is awarded everywhere, hence always make decisions and principles which enhance Integrity, for self, for society & for the planet earth.

Goodwill - goodwill travels faster than light, yes, you can say this, even if you have not reached your destination, your goodwill has reached before you, your presence should enhance the vibes, and the energy of the room, and the room should be filled with your messenger, our goodwill reach before us

Nurture - self, relationship, connection, nurture trees & plants, nurture our earth, future generations, 

This is clarity of principles, and how to design principles in our life, remember the acronym DESIGN. Please Feel free to reach out to me if you are having any doubts or want any clarity on life, career, relationship, fulfillment, and principles.